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  1. H

    Never Go On A Date Without IT.

    If that women isn't bright enough to bring her own jacket, then tough **** for her. I hate how women think their always entitled to a courtesy jacket, especially after you tell them before you leave to bring one. If she wants to warm up, she can get in my jacket while I still have it on.
  2. H

    You Benefit by Whitening Your Teeth

    Don't dip tobacco either. I do that **** (been trying to quit for a few years) and it stains your teeth pretty bad.
  3. H

    naturally approaching chicks

    There is only 3 things that can happen when you approach a women: 1) She's rude to you. But you didn't wanna hook up with a rude chick anyways... 2) She's receptive to you, you go for the number, and she has a boyfriend, or makes up another excuse. 3) She's receptive to you and you get her...
  4. H

    DJ Boot Camp - Week #1

    Yeah, where is week 2 curriculum? I'd like to do the reading tonight so I can start on the excercises tomorrow...
  5. H

    DJ Boot Camp - Week #1

    It's now sunday morning, and I am just reading last weeks material, I just re-read all the articles, and without realizing it I probably had my 50 eyecontacts and hi's, many to beautiful women. I think the first week for me wasn't really needed but as for the subsequent weeks, I will need them...