naturally approaching chicks


New Member
Aug 9, 2002
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I agree that confidence is a major clue in approaching chicks. How to be confident? Don´t panic about consequences. Concentrate on your sensual perception. I mean like there´s nothing else in the world. What do you see, feel, hear, etc.? Beeing in this state of mind requires a lot of courage: It´s the paradox of self-confidence - to be confident you need to accept your insecurities and the pain they are causing you. The first step is to hold it up for 10 minutes until you get that phone-number, right?

O.K., now imagine this hot babe suddenly appears out of nowhere. Don´t think! Stop your imagination from going wild on doing the kamasutra with her. Enjoy what you accually see. This will prevent your body-language from looking fake and will automatically put a natural smile on your face. And you have all the right in the world to enjoy, don´t you? There´s your confidence! What makes us different from other lifeforms around is that we use complex language, we love to talk and chat all the time ... and accually need it to stay healthy. Again, there´s your confidence! There´s nothing wrong with a little conversation.

Go out and enjoy, don´t get upset about things like 3-second-rule or theories on gaining self-confidence. You don´t even have to fake low interest: You enjoy a lot of things during the day, like good diner, fresh air, etc., but you don´t obsess over it. So why would you obsess over the beautiful surface of a woman?


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score
Good words of advice my friend. I'm getting over my fear of approaching women, and that is useful advice.


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2002
Reaction score
There is only 3 things that can happen when you approach a women:

1) She's rude to you. But you didn't wanna hook up with a rude chick anyways...
2) She's receptive to you, you go for the number, and she has a boyfriend, or makes up another excuse.
3) She's receptive to you and you get her digits.

If you don't get her number then that's one less girl you ever have to worry about. You need the "I don't give a ****" attitude more than you need confidence.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2002
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North Vancouver, BC, CANADA
Actually a guy that i work with and I were discussiong this. This guy lays 2 - 3 different girls a week and leaves the bars with like 5 or 6 #'s a night. He didnt even remember the name of the girl he got with last night. I asked him how he does it and he told me " I don't care". i asked him what he meant. He said "I don't care what happens when I approach some girl, I don't care if I make an ass out of myself." And i began to realize that that's why this guy is so sucessful. IT's because his relaxed attitude shows confidence and makes him a fun guy to be around. He will walk up to the hottest girl in the bar or club and just start talkin and walk away with her #. He said he doesn't talk about anything special with the bombshells. He says that because he was one of the few guys to have the balls to approach the women that automatically atracted them.



Don Juan
Jul 24, 2002
Reaction score
Milky Way Galaxy
Thanks for the tips.

No, try not... Do or do not... There is no try.
Master Don Yoda