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  1. M

    Simple exercise: Honesty

    well yeah we should be afraid of being too boring...but instead of lying about what we're doing, we should be doing things that aren't boring...for me it's playing gigs/going to gigs or partying...if i'm not doing that I'm working or revising...might not be exciting, but it shows that ur not...
  2. M

    Accension's Social System

    Yeah that makes sense. My mate ended up sleepin in my room cos he felt ill, but overall yeah i was the 'producer.' I mean my mates were tryin to stop me doin stuff with the girls cos they know what I'm like when I'm pissed, but that's fair enough and I would have regretted it anyways :L
  3. M

    Accension's Social System

    Never thought of it that way, that's pretty sick. Has anyone else ever noticed that they get 'picked on' quite a lot in a group...not in a bullying way, just like, as a laugh, and they're all your mates, but there's always a couple of people that get picked on as jokes, and then a few fringe...
  4. M

    Advice requested on breaking the pattern of daily communication

    This is vaguely related so i'll post it here. There's this girl who before i discovered these forums i used to talk to every day for ages...i guess you'd call her a 'sunshine girl' after reading a few posts. Today i actually stood up for myself when she was annoying me, instead of being one of...
  5. M

    Looking to put on some weight.

    I'm tryin to do the same, i started in january, 5 ft 7.5 inches and around 130 pounds. i've not grown and im around 135 now. Is this good progress, or just 'beginners luck' because i hadn't really been to the gym before? I've been trying to get more protein and just generally trying to eat more...
  6. M

    Anyone considering Accutane....(my experience so far)

    I find it funny that my first post here is in an acne thread. But yeah anyways, my mate from school, probably had the worst acne in the year, his doctor prescribed him some stuff called 'oxytetracycline', and it's already clearing up, it's better than mine now (i've always been the kind of guy...