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  1. J

    Don Juan in the workplace?

    I just got a new job in a retail store (around 50 employees or so, like 3/4 being girls my age around 20) and my buddy just told me he overheard a few of them saying i'm the "cutest" guy in the store. The problem is every conversation I have with these girls is boring as hell because it's at...
  2. J

    A girl opens you with hey you're cute, what's your name?

    Nothing hard about it. That's what I did Just thought you guys would have some more clever **** to say but I guess keeping it simple is the best option
  3. J

    A girl opens you with hey you're cute, what's your name?

    What do you say?? or does it really not matter at this point because it's an obvious IOI and she's taking the initiative, as long as you keep the interaction going?
  4. J

    f#cked up !!

    Saw girl at bus stop, grew some balls and approached her (like 2nd time in my life ive ever done this) got her number. We talked on phone/texted a bit until the weekend we met up I followed all the advice on these forums.... wasn't needy or anything, busted her balls allot... basically wasn't...
  5. J

    I'm devestated, first girl I ever had feelings for

    Well guys thanks to your inspirational words, I went to school today and tried to approach. I met one girl on the bus, had a good chat with her, she lives close by, I told her I was a superhero and she could be my sidekick, she was digging it and laughing. And as we were leaving i told her my...
  6. J

    I'm devestated, first girl I ever had feelings for

    That was an awesome post man, I feel like saving it on my phone and reading it every time I think about her again. I need to talk to more girls, but I have probably approached less than 5 in my entire life, I suck at it, I'm willing to learn though. I can already tell this forum is a fkin...
  7. J

    I'm devestated, first girl I ever had feelings for

    Some calls were to set up a date. Others were just to talk, get to know her, sometimes she would be in the bath telling me dirty stuff so obviously that kept me on the phone :rolleyes: Makes perfect sense bro. But when applying this concept, you also need to have them something to want, so I...
  8. J

    I'm devestated, first girl I ever had feelings for

    I don't know if I agree with the sex in the car thing on a first date ? common dude. But explain more what you mean by taking dating slow? I was taking it slow, taking my time not skipping school/calling in to work to see her when she wanted. I waited until I was free. I was looking forward...
  9. J

    I'm devestated, first girl I ever had feelings for

    You're right... First weekend she was out of town with her dad. Second weekend we finally met up, we tried during the week but I'm busy with work and school. She wanted to talk on the phone, it was late after the date (like midnight) so i didn't really have much better to do. But thinking...
  10. J

    I'm devestated, first girl I ever had feelings for

    So yeah, background information. I'm a 20 year old virgin, never had a girlfriend, I've made out with some girls and stuff just being drunk at parties and clubs but have never had a girl actually be a part of my life. Met this really hot girl who gave me a chance because I like hockey and...