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  1. E

    Girlfriend trouble, or am I over reacting

    Ok yeah my plan since the ex boyfriend time was to just keep ****ing her, and look for greener pastures lol. The reason I wrote this was to just get your guys opinions on the situation especially the second one for the future, I already know my answer which is the first sentence, but I just want...
  2. E

    Girlfriend trouble, or am I over reacting

    I have been dating this chick for 3 months now and this is a long distance relationship but we see each other every weekend( I know I know) just an fyi. Ok so problem one: she is still in contact and hangs out with her ex, I mentioned something about him one time and she asked me if I had a...
  3. E

    Any thoiughts on this chick?

    thats how I usually do things with her and she always pays for her own stuff. Any thoughts on how to go about this, in terms of just tell her off or let things go down slow?
  4. E

    Any thoiughts on this chick?

    Upon looking into it further and throwing some tests you guys are absolutely right. One question though why does she keep throwing out compliments that have to do with looks and such. Like I went out with a few of our friends last night and she came but I barely gave her any attention and when I...
  5. E

    Any thoiughts on this chick?

    Those are all good points and I am not attached, just testing the waters at the moment, but she does like me from the signs I got from her even from before we started dating. Also I cant really disappear for six months or even a month really since we both know the same people.
  6. E

    Any thoiughts on this chick?

    So I have known this chick for about 8 months, recently her boyfriend broke up with her and about a month after that we kinda started dating and it has been about 3 weeks. All we have done so far was made out and cuddled, I went stayed with her over the weekend and she did not even let me sleep...
  7. E

    chick is confused

    any others want to chime in, thanks
  8. E

    chick is confused

    Alright, so here is the story, I have known this chick for a few months and am attracted to her. Last night we went out for drinks and parted ways. I was doing some homework when she texted me asking what I was doing. Well needless to say I sneaked something in the text and she picked up and...
  9. E

    My challenge to you! (1 day to double your success)

    I am down for this one
  10. E

    whats up with this chick.

    Ok so I have been hanging out with this girl and I like her. Well I will summarize it in a few points and would appreciate your input. This is also like a timeline of things within a month. 1. I met her through some friends and she conveyed that she had interest(she got my number and started...
  11. E

    Is this girl feeling it.

    Well it has been 20 times or so, but we never talked much or at all really, I guess she aware of my existance and slightly more. But I definately see where you are going with what you said though.
  12. E

    Getting a Maybe

    I am not a DJ, but thats what I would do at least, the maybe will soon appear as a yes or a no. To me though I get the whole DJ thing, but I still think that some girls are different with respect to the NC thing.
  13. E

    Is this girl feeling it.

    No no, I am relaxed, its just weird that no one really responds to the thread and it goes closer to death until I start it up. I know its not a hot topic by any means since its personal, but come on help a guy out lol. Its just a tricky situation so dont want to ruin it, I just want some...
  14. E

    Is this girl feeling it.

    Any suggestions at all?
  15. E

    Is this girl feeling it.

    OK so it has been nothing but texts going back and fourth, I never officially invited her to do anything and neither did she, but she does seem to be interested since she replies to every text and tries to relate to whatever I send. She asked me what I was doing yesterday and I said I was going...
  16. E

    Is this girl feeling it.

    Ok so I have not heard from this girl since I invited her to go out. Should I try to invite her again? I have kind of played the NC test since then, what are your guys thoughts on this?
  17. E

    Is this girl feeling it.

    Alright sweet those were my thoughts exactly every bit of what you said.
  18. E

    Is this girl feeling it.

    Need some help with this girl. This is my first post and it is a long one, but it all ties in together. Ok, so here is the story. Last week I was out with a couple of friends and a girl at a bar. friend 1 has been kind of chasing the girl for the last two years with no luck. Here is a...