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  1. A

    Approaching to get over the Approach??

    I understand the desensitization thing but it seems like you have to keep at it otherwise you lose it. For example when I haven't done it for a while, it takes a little bit to be good at it again, like I have to start all over. Some people never have this problem because it's just who they are...
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    Is this a ***** way of getting chicks?

    No, but I will tell you this; the more "hidden" the method of communication, the more likely you are to say things you wouldn't in person. It's like this: Anonymous website like this: most likely to say things you wouldn't in person E-Mail and text: most likely to say things in person to...
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    contacting after the first date

    Well I texted her on Sunday night asking if she would like to get together for lunch, she never responded. I thought we hit it off pretty good but it sounds like I'm being blown off. I could call her one time in like 1 week just for the heck of it but things aren't looking good now.
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    Social awkwardness

    Social akwardness=not having social skills. It means saying the wrong things, interpreting relationships and friendships the wrong way, basically meaning someon who doesn't have any experience in this area. You overcoming this by socializing and making friends.
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    contacting after the first date

    Yeah, one thing I have learned is you cannot wait for your leads to go cold because it's like they just move on. I have found that out which seems to be a contradiction to what is preached on sites like this, so I guess it's finding the happy medium between not appearing too needy (which I...
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    contacting after the first date

    Hello, I recently started doing online dating. I've been on about 5 first dates with 5 different women. I seem to be pretty good now knowing whether they are into me or not. Of the first 5 dates, 3 were into me, 2 were not. The most recent one was Thursday and she sended me a text...