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  1. T

    Indian Girls

    Tarzan say: The Karma Sutra is from India! So what THAT tell you???
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    WTF?! Screw her! Number delete!

    Tarzan say: You must treat her like Cheetah my little monkey orbiter! Keep her on leash! Keep her as chick on the side! Get many more Janes and you won't worry as much! Keep you Janes number as a "nothing to do when you have many women friends" booty call! If that no work....Do a Michael...
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    Need Help.. She Tells me that my Rushing Into Relationship is pushing her away..

    Tarzan say: You acting like a Jane instead of a WARRIOR! You must DISAPPEAR and not be clingy like weed spur! You have sex..and you fall in love! Methinks wrong head is telling you she's the one...because you no have other woman friends which mean she the only ONE! You need get off Plenty of...
  4. T

    Where should I take her for the first date??

    Tarzan say: Don't go on first date for resume question asking dinner date! BORING! Should be held for THIRD date! Depending on where young warrior live me say: Zoo, Museum, Amusement park, hot air ballon ride, park for picnic and walk, Minature golf, Brunch, Sporting Events, billiards...
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    Tarzan smoke signal S.O.S! Why so many bisexual women these days?

    Tarzan say to Mr. Rogers warrior: ...Me loved your show many moons ago when young. But....If Mr. Rogers feel EVERYONE has potential to be bi-sexual...Then Mr. Rogers need to stop hanging with those who experiment with Ecstasy! Unga!
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    Tarzan wonders???

    Tarzan say: Tarzan "like" 12...and Trent "like" tail...always follow Tarzan...smell like hind quarters...and keeps self close to Tarzan's mangos! Respect. Unga!
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    Tarzan wonders???

    Tarzan say: Do some fellow sosuave warriors actually read other related threads and advice before asking same inane questions of tribe like frustrated love sick spider monkey's inflicted with OCD.....thread after thread....over and over and over and over again??? For the love of Great Baboo...