WTF?! Screw her! Number delete!


Don Juan
Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
LOL, so I was trying to ask a girl out and she told me this:
"I will be studying all this week"

Well i wouldn't have been upset if she had a job, but who in the heck can go to school 3 to 6 hours a day, and then study for another 10 hours? I mean come on, there is enough free time.

Screw this chick.

I would rather have had a :

"I dont like you like that" than a "I am gonna be busy, 'sorry'"

Screw that!

Her number and facebook is being deleted within 24 hours unless the council declares this event reasonable.
Sep 20, 2009
Reaction score
Tarzan say: You must treat her like Cheetah my little monkey orbiter! Keep her on leash! Keep her as chick on the side! Get many more Janes and you won't worry as much! Keep you Janes number as a "nothing to do when you have many women friends" booty call!

If that no work....Do a Michael Vick! It what they do in sport when a player get sidelined! Only to animal he do it a little more permanent! Give the woman 5000 volts and strangle her with her Godamned flea collar! Unga!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
Tarzan PRIME-Mate! said:
Tarzan say: You must treat her like Cheetah my little monkey orbiter! Keep her on leash! Keep her as chick on the side! Get many more Janes and you won't worry as much! Keep you Janes number as a "nothing to do when you have many women friends" booty call!

If that no work....Do a Michael Vick! It what they do in sport when a player get sidelined! Only to animal he do it a little more permanent! Give the woman 5000 volts and strangle her with her Godamned flea collar! Unga!
Can we ban this guy again please?

LOL, so I was trying to ask a girl out and she told me this:
"I will be studying all this week"

Well i wouldn't have been upset if she had a job, but who in the heck can go to school 3 to 6 hours a day, and then study for another 10 hours? I mean come on, there is enough free time.

Screw this chick.

I would rather have had a :

"I dont like you like that" than a "I am gonna be busy, 'sorry'"

Screw that!

Her number and facebook is being deleted within 24 hours unless the council declares this event reasonable.
I think that's a bit desperate mate. If you normally cross paths with her, don't worry about one rejection. Sometimes chicks are just moody. Just keep being happy and fun around her and try again if SHE ever shows some interest above and beyond mere politeness. If you never run into her without setting something like this up, then yeah, might as well 100% next her. Not sure about deleting off of facebook though, you can always go for her girlfriends.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2008
Reaction score
A place where dreams become reality
I had the same thing happen to me, except that i know she's genuinely busy with her studies.

You can delete her number, just to make sure you don't contact her again. Keep her facebook, she may leave a comment for you. Cut off all contact with her. If you two have had enough rapport and attraction going on, she'll most likely text you or leave a comment on facebook. Ignore the comment and text. Move on. She should call you back one day, and if you don't remember her number, "Who is this?" :)


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
playerone said:
You can delete her number, just to make sure you don't contact her again. Keep her facebook, she may leave a comment for you. Cut off all contact with her. If you two have had enough rapport and attraction going on, she'll most likely text you or leave a comment on facebook. Ignore the comment and text. Move on. She should call you back one day, and if you don't remember her number, "Who is this?" :)
Incorrect. You need to delete their facebook, myspace, cell phone and all forms of contact you had with women that diss you or flake on you. If you don't do it they will and they will get the satisfaction in their minds of deleting you and thinking to themselves "i got rid of this loser." If you delete their facebook they will know you are a man who does not stand being disrespected and flaked on, it will feel like getting the last word.

Not deleting girls from your life that diss you/flake on you in hopes of "maybe something happening" in the future is loser/afc mindset. A real man does not let himself be disrespected or keep people in his life that disrespect him, specially women since women do not respect a man that allows himself be disrespected (specially by them).

brother, you need to apply the 2 STRIKES RULE to your life.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
I agree with the 2 strike rule, but have you guys stopped to think that maybe the problem lies within HIM and not HER? He's basing this off one interaction. Yes girls get moody, and if she really did want to hang out she WILL make time, yes. Perhaps the solution is that he just tried to organize a meet up without enough prior rapport or interest. It happens all the time here. I read it everyday. Sometimes it takes a little persistence with certain girls. I can vouch for this because there have been girls who blew me off at first, then a month down the road I was taking their panties off with my teeth and ****ing them like a wild animal. Don't take even take this as rejection. Perhaps she was genuinely busy. You tried ONCE, and she said she was busy. How is that disrespectful? If telling people that I'm too busy to chill is disrespectful than I must be the king of disrespect. If I have plans and can't make it I'm not going to be afraid to tell you. Chances are she had plans (other than studying) that she didn't want you to know about. Perhaps she was hanging with another guy, went out clubbing with her girl friends, or what not.. Who knows. It's not your problem. All you need to know is that you need to up the ante. I say try and raise her IL and then try once more before going all crazy. You could be losing some potential pvssy.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Scars said:
I agree with the 2 strike rule, but have you guys stopped to think that maybe the problem lies within HIM and not HER? He's basing this off one interaction. Yes girls get moody, and if she really did want to hang out she WILL make time, yes. Perhaps the solution is that he just tried to organize a meet up without enough prior rapport or interest. It happens all the time here. I read it everyday. Sometimes it takes a little persistence with certain girls. I can vouch for this because there have been girls who blew me off at first, then a month down the road I was taking their panties off with my teeth and ****ing them like a wild animal. Don't take even take this as rejection. Perhaps she was genuinely busy. You tried ONCE, and she said she was busy. How is that disrespectful? If telling people that I'm too busy to chill is disrespectful than I must be the king of disrespect. If I have plans and can't make it I'm not going to be afraid to tell you. Chances are she had plans (other than studying) that she didn't want you to know about. Perhaps she was hanging with another guy, went out clubbing with her girl friends, or what not.. Who knows. It's not your problem. All you need to know is that you need to up the ante. I say try and raise her IL and then try once more before going all crazy. You could be losing some potential pvssy.

Also judging by the OP quick temper, I don't think he could have handled the truth if in fact she wasn't interested in him and told him like that in his face.

This girl would be damned either way in the eyes of the OP.

OP: "oh so you are busy all this week?! screw you liar!"

OP: " You are telling me in my face that don't like me like that?! well screw you fvcking b1tch!"


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2002
Reaction score
nateistoraw said:
LOL, so I was trying to ask a girl out and she told me this:
"I will be studying all this week"
I've genuinely told this to many women.

I'm getting my PhD right now. School comes first, my hobbies (i.e. women) come second.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
Luscious said:
I've genuinely told this to many women.

I'm getting my PhD right now. School comes first, my hobbies (i.e. women) come second.
If a woman wants a man she will make time for him. If a woman wants a man she will go out of her way to meet up with him. If a woman wants a man she will suck his ___ minutes after meeting him.

Women are not hard to figure out. OP is corret, delete the #, shes not interested, move on.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2002
Reaction score
f283000 said:
If a woman wants a man she will make time for him. If a woman wants a man she will go out of her way to meet up with him. If a woman wants a man she will suck his ___ minutes after meeting him.

Women are not hard to figure out. OP is corret, delete the #, shes not interested, move on.
What you're saying here is another one of the broad catch-alls that gets batted around these boards far too often. I think a lot of people around here just hurry in a race to slam down the most relevant motto without actually considering the context.

Believe it or not (now, I'm not saying this in particular is one case or the other, so don't get all wound up), there are women who prefer to spend their time on things other than men. Moreover, there are women who actually put their career and schooling first.

I think a good course of action here would be to text her a few weeks down the road and ask her to hang out again. If she refuses, big deal, he's wasted a whole one minute of his time texting her (and hopefully has been farming other prospects in the meantime). If she accepts, it's a good save.

There is a lot more to DJing than assuming any non-compliance on a woman's part is an automatic blind rejection, deserving of extreme measures and massive retaliation (i.e. number delete, freeze-outs, and ignoring). Context is the key.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2002
Reaction score
PHAT Rabbit said:
Never burn bridges.. doesn't matter how she 'rejects' you. The only reason guys burn bridges is because their ego can't take the rejection which is non-sense. When guys lash out by deleting numbers or being jerks they only reaffirm the girls suspicion that you are controlled by her actions. Women don't want reactive boyfriends.. they want emotionally stable ones (that's why douche bags get hot girlfriends -- because they don't care how the girl acts and this is attractive). Get over yourself and learn how to lose your ego.

As far as Tarzan goes... advising someone to keep a girl on a leash is the worst advice possible. In order to keep someone close you give them as much free range as possible and the opposite is true to keep someone far away. It's the way the world works.. don't believe me truly become congruent with that notion and you'll find people will flock to you in troves.
The man speaks the truth.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 1, 2008
Reaction score
well it's good to get a new perspective on this. I totally dig the idea of not being reactive. This thread comes too late for me, as I just called a girl a **** for blowing me off, and of course she told me never to talk to her again.

And yeah, I was thinking, low IL... cut her loose before she does it to me, or uses me for the attention. This is all ego, emotionally unstable. :(

For all I know she just might not have wanted to talk on that day.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
PHAT Rabbit said:
Never burn bridges.. doesn't matter how she 'rejects' you. The only reason guys burn bridges is because their ego can't take the rejection which is non-sense. When guys lash out by deleting numbers or being jerks they only reaffirm the girls suspicion that you are controlled by her actions. Women don't want reactive boyfriends.. they want emotionally stable ones (that's why douche bags get hot girlfriends -- because they don't care how the girl acts and this is attractive). Get over yourself and learn how to lose your ego.

As far as Tarzan goes... advising someone to keep a girl on a leash is the worst advice possible. In order to keep someone close you give them as much free range as possible and the opposite is true to keep someone far away. It's the way the world works.. don't believe me truly become congruent with that notion and you'll find people will flock to you in troves.

I agree with this however Phat this is all situtional....

I started to type something but for me to type it its to long and I don't feel like mentally masterbating. Never react negativly to a chick however don't keep negative people around, I do burn bridges with people who try to bring me down or bring no value in my life

my .02 cents


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
Feel free to burn bridges if you have to, just don't openly shout "I'M BURNING IT, BIATCH!"

Lucious said:
Believe it or not (now, I'm not saying this in particular is one case or the other, so don't get all wound up), there are women who prefer to spend their time on things other than men. Moreover, there are women who actually put their career and schooling first.
Those women make terrible girlfriends. Good for casuals though.