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  1. S

    Depressing thought for me... I can never see myself with a gf/so

    Funny thing is...I can't see myself being in a LTR or getting married either... But for the opposite reasons! There are so many amazing women in the world that I can't see myself ever only wanting just one of them. I want as many of them as I can have. Strange how the same internal...
  2. S

    Conversation Flowing

    One new guru who has been coaching me said if you ever get stuck you can always fall back on 3 tools: 1) Roleplay 2) Qualify her 3) Move her around the venue I pretty much have found that if I do one of these 3 things every time I feel stuck I am able to keep things going!
  3. S

    Emotional connection or keep it positive?

    She is opening up to you so you definitely should be acknowledging that she is doing so...but you don't want to dwell on these topics or she will associate negative feelings with you. I don't know if I would go ****y funny when a girl opens up like this. Perhaps a bit more "silver lining"...
  4. S

    Got the number but in a wrong way?

    But its not too late to attempt to recover from that. Next time you talk to her be upfront and say something like "I realized when I got your number the other day I wasn't being as upfront as I should have been. I got your number because I thought you were cute." She may be flattered by this...