Depressing thought for me... I can never see myself with a gf/so


Senior Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
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I guess it's all the rejections I've faced in my life thus far, but I honestly can't see myself ever being a LTR with a girl, getting married, etc... even if a girl shows interest in me, I always assume and figure nothing will come out of it. Ever since the Sodini thing that went down, I've been thinking about it and honestly can see myself in his shoes. I've got a cousin who is in his 40's, never married, no gf (at least I don't think so). I know a guy in his 50's, same deal.... When I think of the future, I draw a blank. I wonder what it will be like when I'm in my 80's and have no one in my life. I see myself dying alone and being found a month later by a neighbour out for a walk and smells my body decomposing.. I know this is a terrible mindset to be in, but I feel no matter what I do nothing will change.. It's like I'm so used to failure that i'm conditioned to it. People say "work on yourself" or "meet other people" and I do.. but like I say I see girls showing interest, but I figure no matter what I do, I'll fvck it up and nothing will come out of it. It's like I don't feel like I have what it takes.

Sorry for the rant guys, just needed to get it off my chest.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Why dont you start off by writing down and identifying all the things that you know are 'wrong' with you, that dont attract women?

Then, all the things you do have/are,that do attract women?

Then, all the things that a woman that you would want in your life would want from a man?

Then, after all that, write down the things that you want to do, experience, have, and live.

Read the Book of Pook
Look up Dr. Paul Dobransky's Mature Masculine Power, and Mind OS
David Deangelo's On Being a Man, and Deep Inner Game.

Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
Let me ask you a question, do you want to have a girlfriend, get married, have a family? Some people don't, like I don't want kids, though I do think I'll get married at some point.

Some of these guys you see that aren't married might not want to, you can't always assume something is wrong with them.

Oh, and that Sodini guy must of been mentally unstable, I doubt the average guy would have gone on a killing spree because he was rejected by a bunch of girls.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Here is a secret that most people never even realize:

We are never really alone.

I have found this realization when I travel to new places alone. I am more open to others around me, and have found that people gravitate in your atmosphere way more than you may realize, you just are not aware of it because you are in your own world. Step outside of your bounds, look around, and realize you are never alone.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
Alright, I can assume since you have been here since 2005 (four years now) that you have read the bible and all other required reading of the DJ forums (if you haven't then start brushing up on all of the great readings).

So, I am going to assume that either, you are in a rut OR have not applied the principles that you have read. OR a little bit of both.

I've been in ruts before where I thought the same way. The important thing is to actually just drag yourself out by the hair or if need be your testicles but grab yourself out.

Then, go out and actually do some things.

Reading some motivational/inspirational things always helped.

- comic_relief


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
Reaction score
donjuanapprentice01 said:
I guess it's all the rejections I've faced in my life thus far, but I honestly can't see myself ever being a LTR with a girl, getting married, etc... even if a girl shows interest in me, I always assume and figure nothing will come out of it. Ever since the Sodini thing that went down, I've been thinking about it and honestly can see myself in his shoes. I've got a cousin who is in his 40's, never married, no gf (at least I don't think so). I know a guy in his 50's, same deal.... When I think of the future, I draw a blank. I wonder what it will be like when I'm in my 80's and have no one in my life. I see myself dying alone and being found a month later by a neighbour out for a walk and smells my body decomposing.. I know this is a terrible mindset to be in, but I feel no matter what I do nothing will change.. It's like I'm so used to failure that i'm conditioned to it. People say "work on yourself" or "meet other people" and I do.. but like I say I see girls showing interest, but I figure no matter what I do, I'll fvck it up and nothing will come out of it. It's like I don't feel like I have what it takes.

Sorry for the rant guys, just needed to get it off my chest.
Search for 'playersupreme'

Why dont you do something crazy one day and approach 50 women.

You might get rejected 50 times but you'll feel like a king after it.

If you're life is as drastic as you say, then you need to do something drastic to improve it.


New Member
Aug 16, 2009
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Funny thing is...I can't see myself being in a LTR or getting married either...

But for the opposite reasons! There are so many amazing women in the world that I can't see myself ever only wanting just one of them. I want as many of them as I can have.

Strange how the same internal belief can be caused by such disparate reasons.