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  1. J

    i must have sex in the next 3 months

    Important don’t skip any steps. 1. Print out the DJ ( put it in a note book) 2. Read the DJ bible 3. Get a daily journal 4. Put the Bible into practice and record everything in the journal 5. Go back to step 2 Suggested readings: Pook be a man The...
  2. J

    Pimps need other pimps

    I agree a fourm is needed. I was looking for a place the following post. but none seam appropriate. Misery likes company; I see it in the face of AFC’s more than ever now that I started my transition toward becoming a player. Some of my former buddies or partners keep...
  3. J

    journey begins John boot camp journal

    Week 1 day 4 Update The practice went fine Instead of the Fragrance counter at the mall I went to get some gear to wear at the mall. In the mall tried to make eye contact but many of the woman avoided my gauze. I got some Hi’s . Many of the women were wearing those expensive new...
  4. J

    Places to buy clothes

    Just got back from shopping. I purhched some Sean-John its hot hip and in. as you say. Enyce, Roca-Ware, and what ever nelly's clothing is. Sean-John is P-diddys clothing line and Roca Ware is Jay-Z's and for shoes go for the classics all white AF1's but a new hot one is The S. Carter they cant...
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    I think it's harder to be a DJ if your black.

    I try not to think about it much. Just adapt my techniques. I'ts all pink on the inside and if its not throw it back. I don't discriminate I procreate.:D
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    journey begins John boot camp journal

    Week 1 day 4 ok i got week one complete 3 day weekend yea. after reading the bible I decided to go practice some kino and basic conversation. with lower levels of pressure. baby steps Now check this out, this does not count for MY next weeks 2's 2 to 10 minut conversations. IT...
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    Does workingo out make you look good?

    woman like guys that are doing somthing to keep improving the thought he might get even better looking. keeps there intress level up.
  8. J

    Tiger Eye journal

    Good job my man. I'll be starting week 2 monday You got the power
  9. J

    Dating a Dancer

    Im going to the club right now to find me a new one. Ha
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    Dating a Dancer

    Dated quite a few. Does she ask you to meet her at her club? well don't that just means she want's you to buy her dances. or up her intress level to the AFC in the club to buy dances. If she asks you to meet her at the end of her shift. Just tell her You will pick her up when she...
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    If she says why should I go out with you?

    next time asked that question ask them. Don't you want the best?
  12. J

    I think it's harder to be a DJ if your black.

    I did notice i was having a harder time with woman of other races. However after geting rejected I try to move on . I try to play it as a numbers game. This is what I find : When I make sustained and eye contact and smile, The HB usually pause making an opportunity for me to start a...
  13. J

    A live example in Progress of Seduction: field report from Supreme

    Thank you Supreme Player. You were adapting your game to her defenses so swiftly so smooth. She threw in some stuff to test you, and you just showed and affirmed to her who is in charge. In trekkie terms you rotated your phaser frequencies before she could get her defensive shields set up...
  14. J

    journey begins John boot camp journal

    Week 1 day 3 a good day Mission completed. Made 22 plus hi’s today. Since this is an exercise at the gym in Oxnard while making a purchase, 2 HB at the counter in during our conversation (3 minutes into it) I pause looking into her eyes and smile. She looks down and back into my eyes and I...
  15. J

    sayin hi to girls

    That works, If they make eye contact with you start to smile as if you allready knew them and sometime they will say hi before you do. It open's them up for you to start spitting game at them.
  16. J

    journey begins John boot camp journal

    Week 1 day 2 Well today was a weak day. I am not pleased about my results or actions Went to the gym this morning near my home the place was full of HB 7- HB 9. (J.-LO, is only a 7.8 in my book) The AFC in me took over. I could barely make I contact and no hi ho o no hellos. I even found...
  17. J

    Zach's Boot Camp Journal

    I'm with you zack. keep up the good work 40 HB and 10 to go.
  18. J

    journey begins John boot camp journal

    John's boot camp journal After lurking in the background for too many years, it’s my time to act with decisiveness and convection. I must go through the boot camp. About myself, I am BLK 38 years old, 6’1 and 299 lbs. Because I was a WBAFC, I hooked up with a gold digger three years ago...
  19. J

    Have you read the Bible??? Really?

    I have'nt finished it yet but I will. I am starting the bootcamp today I got tired of lurking . just read The book of Shuma Gora. It's going to be a ruff but well worth next 8 weeks. Time now is for action :D
  20. J

    Don Juans Everywhere!

    usa/los angeles/california ( lax area to santa barbara) i get around