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  1. K

    What a ****ty night, got ****blocked by my friend and stranded

    damn 10 post maximum anyway, while I know she likes her bf well enough your probably right about the reason she has a bf, he was probably just something fun to pass the time (at the time I was busy with another girl). I don't know what she thinks of me now, she did call me when she woke up...
  2. K

    Guys: What to do when the girl I'm interested in said she's seeing someone(help fast)

    the only thing I have to say to this is that I haven't been hiding that I'm interested in her so I positive she knows. I guess it's possible she just thinks I'm friendly/flirty or something but I seriously doubt it.
  3. K

    Guys: What to do when the girl I'm interested in said she's seeing someone(help fast)

    yeah, that's why I want to fix this now, like in the next couple of days. That's why I'm asking for advice so urgently.
  4. K

    Guys: What to do when the girl I'm interested in said she's seeing someone(help fast)

    I didn't ask her if she was dating anyone. I figured that if she was she would clue in that I like her and she would tell me. She brought up seeing this guy all on her own, the only reason I asked her if they were dating is because I wanted to make sure I wasn't misinterpreting anything. The...
  5. K

    Guys: What to do when the girl I'm interested in said she's seeing someone(help fast)

    haven't known her long at all. We've only hung out once since I met her, and we haven't really had a lot of long conversations. I wanted to keep from becoming too much of her friend until I was sure she was interested.
  6. K

    Guys: What to do when the girl I'm interested in said she's seeing someone(help fast)

    This is the op, I used up all my posts for today but I need this answered fast. It came up because she said she was trying to avoid a certain place. I asked her why and she said because she's been seeing someone there a bit and didn't want to feel that she needs to hang around him a lot. When I...