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  1. S

    Sexual Ornamentation (creationists not welcomed)

    It's been awhile since I've posted but your post was so thought provoking I had to reply. I agree with Wyld that it doesn't matter what you believe to apply your concept. Being an ex-creationist [I'm more agnostic now -it means I believe there's something out there, I just don't know what] and...
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    The GREATEST Threat To A Don Juan

    EXCELLENT POST!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone else nominate this for the DJ Bible? ;p ------------------ It's not who's wrong or right, but who's stronger. People don't get what they deserve in this life.....they get what they take! Confidence is a socially acceptable insanity
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    Treating her like a queen...

    HOW THE HELL DO YOU NOT DO IT???!!!!! I always told myself that when I meet my future wife I'm gonna be nuts about her and treat her like a queen, I realize now this is gonna drive her from me and I will lose her! HOW DO I STOP ME?!!! I'm a very giving person. David DeAngelo says that, "if...
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    The Boyfriend

    I always heard if she mentions she has a boyfriend that she's not interested. Also remember, the way you meet her is the way she'll leave you. If she's the kind of girl who will let you get her to leave her boyfriend, think about what'll happen when you're in a relationship with her and some...
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    Five types of guys get the ass

    ^bump^ ------------------ It's not who's wrong or right, but who's stronger.
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    Reject their B/S counteroffers

    HOLY CRAP CLUTCH!!! You got POOK, one of THE MASTERS, to comment on your post!!!!!!! Have I mentioned how much respect I have for you? ;p ------------------ It's not who's wrong or right, but who's stronger.
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    Just so we're all clear here u had sex with her right? ;p If you did GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope to be in your shoes when I'm 44 ;p ------------------ It's not who's wrong or right, but who's stronger.
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    Breaking the rules of the "game" DISCUSS

    GOD THAT IS A GOOD POST KevM!!!!!!!!!! When ever you say stuff I'm always listening [I even saved ur post in a text file on my computer! ;p] You have a way of simplifying things in life and showing the truth about them! It's genius!! ------------------ It's not who's wrong or right, but...
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    Scaring women

    I feel you AspiringDonJuan! I have that problem too. I don't smile very much and only talk to the people I know. I don't smile cause I'm scared and nervous when I'm around a crowd of people I dont know. Today's my first day at my new college so I'm gonna try to rectify that problem by...
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    Lets hear your Stories of REJECTION! + my story of rejection

    I'd always not really been a social person my whole life, rejected by every girl I'd ever liked. Here I was 18 years old attending a church youth group when a girl I'd never even seen before approached me and introduced herself. The moment I saw her my heart jumped. She was a cute little...
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    Boyfriend on the scene

    your caps lock is stuck isnt it?
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    Would you be mad if....

    I think I can speak from experience on this. I had a friend who was dating this girl who was entirely self centered and a user. People I knew had known this girl in the past and told me about the crap she pulled. [Her name is Stephanie Ho -she's cantonese, LOVES hello kitty....just to warn...
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    Success with Sister! (Tips Included) -- But Later Failure

    Your caps lock is stuk isnt it? ;p BTW GREAT POST BGC!! LOL Gator Ash! I did a double take when u said that ;p ------------------ It's not who's wrong or right, but who's stronger.
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    Find a passion

    I've never really liked conventional sports like basketball or football....even though I am 6'6" and 240lbs. The only things that ever interested me sports wise are blood sports. I could watch ISKA[kick boxing] on ESPN for DAYS!! [Ernie Reyes Jr. IS THE MAN!!!] ...only I never really know when...
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    for the rejectophobic

    I don't know about that one.... In your analogy the girls approached the club and turned themselves down. When in reality the club actually approached the girl. In a girls mind losing a man isnt even that can always be replaced. But with us guys it's the end of the world [cause...