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  1. D

    WTF? i don't get it

    Drinking (and less so smoking, depending on the culture) are social things to do. You have to understand that they're a part of society and you'll have to be around them most of your life. It's a way to bring people together and gets people to loosen up, more so than just the inherent effects of...
  2. D

    Girl to homecoming alone

    With eaglez on this one mate. WHY oh why would you ever be committed to a girl in high school when you're not in high school? My take on why she'd say she would want to go alone: If she goes alone she can still dance with anyone she wants and not feel bad about it, but if she takes a date...
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    Sofomore's College Journal

    Kino Kino Kino. From the last two posts it seems you have some good talk about you, now just move that into the physical realm and you'll be golden. Unless you were kino'ing the whole time and didn't mention it. But Kino is what sets apart friends and ****s. Keep up the good work mate!
  4. D

    Living in a Small Town SUCKS!

    Then move, christ. It's better to have a minimum wage job and be happy then whatever you do have and be killing yourself because you're too scared, depressed, or whatever to get the balls to move. But you probably don't want that to be the answer (it's the only one really), so how about we...
  5. D

    Please help me out here guys

    Probably the creepiest thread I've ever read. And this is a site where guys talk about how to fvck girls they don't know...
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    Trick I used a lot with my parent: Tell em you'll be staying a friend's house after the party, then drive home whenever you want to (try to make sure that they'll be asleep by the time you're home, so you're actually TRYING to get home late). Sneak through the basement/other door, and fall...
  7. D

    Throughout your expirience, do chicks with bf's say yes?

    I'm actually going with a girl now who has a long-distance relationship. It came up and I used the classic, "Don't worry, I don't get jealous." Very quick and effective way to push the whole issue to the side and get right back into the wooing.
  8. D

    Flaky girl I blew off is trying to reach me...

    No response, no revenge, no desperateness. Just move on.
  9. D


    While it may or may not affect your decision to do it or not, I tend to stay away from girls with boyfriends. I have spent a night with a girl before without knowing she had a boyfriend only to have her dump him the next day. I didn't do anything on purpose and it still felt pretty bad to take...
  10. D

    Im asking for your opinion. Pretty straight forward

    Well we can just use this as my first post i guess. New to the boards, not new to the game. Personally I'm all for no-bull**** relationships. I prefer just fooling around with multiple girls overall, but if it comes down to a relationship I don't want all of the stupid crap with it. I suggest...