

Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
Thought I'd be going places with my restricted license, apparently not.

Anyway, tonight my ex gf (whom I now good friends with) txts me saying I should've been her plus-one to this party she told us about yesterday. Well she's a little drunk obviously, but reveals little things like that when so :p Anyway, I said I was going into town to pick up some videos and she said I should come over to the party she was at. I said I couldn't as my license has a 10pm curfew on it. But the store was closed and it was about 9:25, and she said I should come again. I didn't and just went home as I didn't think it was worth it.

Should I have gone, just for the 15 minutes or so? Not for the ex-gf of course but just general socialness. Pisses me off that I wasn't invited in the first place but w/e.


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2008
Reaction score
fuk that bro...

im 17. got my lisence 6 months ago...i got 6 more months until im off "Provisional"

i just got back home from a kick back.. and its 1:15... fuk curfew. and drive your friends. fuk that rule to...

live it up bro


Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zeland
Bro where you from?? who cares man curfew doesn't matter, cops where im from don't do anything if your just trying to get home or if you being a sober driver (good tip cops aint gonna stop you if you tryna get 4 drunks home lol) its only curfew, yeah you could get caught but nothing will come of it unless you drunk. you should have gone, you had nothing to lose lol rules are made to be broken

Gettin my restricted in a month can't wait (and by the way i'm gonna drive with more then one person lol)


Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
Here they care, hefty fines, loss of license.

As for curfew, parents would confiscate my keys.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zeland
its only 400$ here lol just don't drive past the curfew if you really that worried, a lot of the time you can get a ride from someone else, you can even walk if you want or get your parents to give you a ride (always a good thing lol)

But if you really had to get the car home, before ten, and i mean really, then you should just done what you did.

Your not going to lose your license lol unless you very drunk


Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zeland
Hang on a minute, you said ex girlfriend, forgot, you shouldn't have gone at all really, or maybe just for that half hour just to try met some new chicks, so yeah i reckon you probably should have gone for that few minutes and tried to number close on someone, but don't kick yourself in the nuts for this its really noting at all don't worry about it!!


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Dude fvck curfew. The only curfew you have is the curfew with your parents and what time you have to be home at night. If I was you I wouldve gone to that party in an instant! Now this chick is prolly gonna think your such a loser going home at such an early time lol...whats the latest your parents will let you come home? For most people I know its like 11 or 12.


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2009
Reaction score
Salt Lake City, Utah
When I was 17 and just got my license, I got clocked doing 103 in a 45, past midnight, with 5 other people huddled into my car. I was trying to race some loser in a Honda Civic, and I noticed some flashing blue lights in my rearview mirror. My heart sank and I start to pull over. The Civic flys by me and turns his lights off. I thought the cop would go after him because he was fleeing, but nope, he parks right behind me.

He approaches my window with his flashlight out, visibly angry.

"Do you know how long it took me to catch up to you!?"
"Uh, no"
"Do you have any idea how fast you were going!?"
"Uh... 55?"

I thought I was ****ed for sure, I thought I'd either have my license revoked or my car impounded. He got my license and walked back to his car. He came back a few minutes later, throws my license at me, asks me where I live, and tells me he'd be watching for me. Then he tells me to "slow the **** down" on his street and lets me go! No ticket or anything. He didn't even mention that I was violating the provisions of my license by driving with passengers and past curfew.

Unless you're doing something illegal with your car, they have no reason to pull you over and run your license in the first place. So it would have been safe to go to that party. It just wouldn't have been safe to go to that party and get ****faced.


Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
eaglez1177 said:
Dude fvck curfew. The only curfew you have is the curfew with your parents and what time you have to be home at night. If I was you I wouldve gone to that party in an instant! Now this chick is prolly gonna think your such a loser going home at such an early time lol...whats the latest your parents will let you come home? For most people I know its like 11 or 12.
My parents don't care what time I come home, but my license has restrictions on it, I can only drive between 5am and 10pm. And they're anal about me following that.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Monkora said:
My parents don't care what time I come home, but my license has restrictions on it, I can only drive between 5am and 10pm. And they're anal about me following that.
Ohhh okk I see. Are your parents sure that its only between 5am and 10pm? Like is there any way u could convince them that its like 5am to 11pm? And dude if your parents dont care what time you get home then I wouldnt even bother driving at all lol. Drivin that damn car restricts you to 10:00 when u could otherwise go home at ANY time you want (consider yourself REALLY lucky for that).

Plus, once you get your license you gotta be legit careful about what you do at night. Like you legit CANT drink at all if you go to a party, as opposed to before when u could get sh*tfaced and just get a ride home.

And Juice: Your really damn lucky bro if I was you I would sucking that cops d*ck and thanking him for not suspending my license till im 21. (and yes they can do that it happened to my friend he got fvcked and isnt gettin his license till hes 21)

Don Zorro

Don Juan
Dec 7, 2008
Reaction score
Trick I used a lot with my parent:

Tell em you'll be staying a friend's house after the party, then drive home whenever you want to (try to make sure that they'll be asleep by the time you're home, so you're actually TRYING to get home late). Sneak through the basement/other door, and fall asleep either in the basement or resort to your own bed. Set an alarm for early, and if they're both still asleep you're in the clear. Go back to bed and get some real sleep.

If they're still up, or if they wake up super early for some reason, you can just tell them that the party got out of hand and you drove home because you didn't want to be in a bad situation or inconvenience them by making them pick you up.

While I still had restrictions, it was like this every weekend.

EDIT: Cops won't pull you over if you're not doing anything illegal. Actually drive the speed limit and don't do anything stupid.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
Monkora said:
My parents don't care what time I come home, but my license has restrictions on it, I can only drive between 5am and 10pm. And they're anal about me following that.
He means legal restrictions, not some parent rule.

(I think)


Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zeland
He does mean legal restrictions, but a lot of people here are saying to ignore them