Throughout your expirience, do chicks with bf's say yes?


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2007
Reaction score
Zaraza said:
In our process of becoming a man, we begin to attract more women. We dont attract them because we choose to, but we attract them because we fulfill ourselves and they see that. If some other guys girl is attracted to me, its a compliment.

It is a compliment. It's what you do with that compliment that's important. Do you just take it as a compliment and have your ego boosted, or do you actually continue to pursue her even though she's taken? I'm talking about the boys that actually go through with it. I say boys because real men/DJ wouldn't do that crap.

Waking Up

Don Juan
Feb 7, 2009
Reaction score
I've had a girl interested in my before with a bf. I seduced her and sexed her the first night we hung out. I know the response is "What if your girl cheated on you" But life doesn't work this way. I attracted her more than her bf did, why wait for them to break up then attract her. Monogamy is an illusion anyway that was created by religion, deep down women are primitive and we are too, humans are secretly polygamus.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 6, 2005
Reaction score
Oregon, USA
Jon55 said:
It is a compliment. It's what you do with that compliment that's important. Do you just take it as a compliment and have your ego boosted, or do you actually continue to pursue her even though she's taken? I'm talking about the boys that actually go through with it. I say boys because real men/DJ wouldn't do that crap.
Hey Jon,

Im posting just to make sure, you didnt take my post as an attack at you. My reaction was more general response along with playing devils advocate. Much respect to you.

now to play devils advocate again.

Doesn't it make sense to show her that there are better men out there for her? Or possibly, if she is displaying interest in you and is wanting to spend time with you, would it wrong for you go ahead help her out?

The problem with answering a question such as this one is that we have to consider age, maturity, stage in life, etc. There are different circumstances. If you are in the college/ younger crowd i dont see a problem with it, now if it is someone who is older and is considering marriage but is still in the GF stage, well then the girl most likely wont be interested in you. If she is, i wouldnt do it.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 6, 2005
Reaction score
Oregon, USA
Waking Up said:
I've had a girl interested in my before with a bf. I seduced her and sexed her the first night we hung out. I know the response is "What if your girl cheated on you" But life doesn't work this way. I attracted her more than her bf did, why wait for them to break up then attract her. Monogamy is an illusion anyway that was created by religion, deep down women are primitive and we are too, humans are secretly polygamus.
I like your way of thinking. Personally that is what I lean towards when it comes to this. If the attraction is strong you win in the end.

Don Zorro

Don Juan
Dec 7, 2008
Reaction score
I'm actually going with a girl now who has a long-distance relationship. It came up and I used the classic, "Don't worry, I don't get jealous." Very quick and effective way to push the whole issue to the side and get right back into the wooing.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2007
Reaction score
Zaraza said:
Hey Jon,

Im posting just to make sure, you didnt take my post as an attack at you. My reaction was more general response along with playing devils advocate. Much respect to you.
No disrespect taken. :up:

now to play devils advocate again.

Doesn't it make sense to show her that there are better men out there for her? Or possibly, if she is displaying interest in you and is wanting to spend time with you, would it wrong for you go ahead help her out?
Oh sure, but I'd think that if they were already considering cheating on their "significant other" that they wouldn't need the help because they've probably done this before and will continue to do it again with the guy she's currently with and future guys.

The problem with answering a question such as this one is that we have to consider age, maturity, stage in life, etc. There are different circumstances. If you are in the college/ younger crowd i dont see a problem with it, now if it is someone who is older and is considering marriage but is still in the GF stage, well then the girl most likely wont be interested in you. If she is, i wouldnt do it.
No doubt. I know a lot of younger relationships teeter on day-to-day feelings. They can crash and burn from even a simple fight. I'm not against never bending the rules or always being all goody goody, but cheating is one area I just wouldn't tread.