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  1. X

    Grinding?? JUST DO IT???

    When it comes to grinding one quote stands the test of time "Better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission" In other words just go dance, most of the time they are receptive if they aren't be forgiving and keep going. Asking for permission is beta, cause you give yourself permission...
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    need quick simple song

    thank you its true, the i have is a contradiction, i just have to talk to girls more. You weren't harsh, you wre realists, i need to take action if i wanna make this bet, and my friends, well there sure i can't win, obviously thats why they bet, but thats cause i honestly havent cared until...
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    need quick simple song

    meant to say need quikc simple help
  4. X

    need quick simple song

    background: i made a bet with a couple of friends for 200 dollars that i could hook up with a girl by the end of summer (first time). This absolutley has to happen by the end of summer, for the money, the life experience, and the rep ( i was ****y about doing this haha XD) situation: im at a...
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    The Question of Questions i cant answer.

    Wow man, insanely helpful. I must say i completely agree. Also got a bit of a reminder of dwelling on what other people think; concentrate on myself and my hobbies and the rest will come. Yes it is true, it doesn't matter how social i get, Hotties are what im here for; gonna need to push for it...
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    The Question of Questions i cant answer.

    So in my earlier post i mentioned a couple of things about myself and great advice. So now i have one thing stumping my progress, one answer i cant seem to answer, and if/when i do im not sure if I'm honest. Before i talk about the question,some background. So im increasingly social, i talk...
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    how to get ahead in high school

    well im a junior in highschool, i used to play alot of video games, hang out with 7 friends who played video games, and what not. me and my friends have a lot of fun, but only one of them has kissed a girl, and a pretty ugly one at that. we aren't depressed emo or whatever, we just do really...
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    lack of motivation and drive

    lately I just feel like I wanna do something. two years ago i used to be dedicated to video games, id go through the day laughing with my friends and talking about video games while day dreaming about the best equipment or how to buy my way up through the next skill. Yes it was chodey, but it...
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    feel like i'm getting picked on a bit too much

    its a mix of both. mostly teasing tho. but, its weird. its like one person teases me but then if its funny other people laugh, so it kind of becomes a game of who can cause the most people to laugh at there insult/tease. No one's really one sided, its all just fun and games. Sometimes i laugh...
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    feel like i'm getting picked on a bit too much

    I don't care what people think about me really, it really doesn't matter. but lately I feel like iv'e been getting picked on a bit too much. I'm kind of nerdy I guess and sometimes i can say a bad joke here and there (cutting back on that) but 2 years ago i was never picked on. I dunno if it was...
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    close friend acting different this year.

    So i got this friend. lately hes been treating me like a douche. we used to be tight last yea, ****ing around telling jokes. But this year he has a different lunch than me and lately i feel like he thinks he is entitled to "more" than me or something. critizies me for the dumbest ****, insults...
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    WTF? i don't get it

    So today i went out with one of my friends who smokes and drinks and his friends who smoke and drink. I dont drink and smoke. We go to this courtyard that right next to the beach and hang out. my friend starts meeting some new people, they also smoke, they all start smoking. Most of the time im...
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    The "Worst Oneitis You've Ever Had" Thread - High School edition

    hilarious man i've been waiting for this one. oneitits during my fresman year in highschool to an insane amount. but it wasnt normal oneitis, it was this weird oneitis, heres the rundown. I used to hate girls pretty much. i never talked to them, i always told everyone i wouldnt get...
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    What can I do everyday for the rest of the year to change my life?

    First quick info about me 16 years old 11th grade I'm funny, silly, crazy, I am very expressive. I have pretty good social skills...but i just can't talk to women like i do to my friends, and generally just about any guy. etc my school is a small ass private school ...40 people in my class...
  15. X

    how do u get good at kino?

    i can get a girl laughing, bust her balls and such but when itcomes to kino it just seems so unnatural . iwould like some advice more than just do it, cause everytime i kino it feels forced and needy