need quick simple song


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2008
Reaction score
background: i made a bet with a couple of friends for 200 dollars that i could hook up with a girl by the end of summer (first time). This absolutley has to happen by the end of summer, for the money, the life experience, and the rep ( i was ****y about doing this haha XD)

situation: im at a academic program in the Boston area filled with girls of all types. at the moment i a m chill with a couple of 8s from one of my classes, but i have not initiated any sexuality, verbal or physical.

problem: I got game, i know i do, , i these girls, like mock-laugh there bad jokes, give them nicknames, engage in eye contact ( i love it when they are the first to look away haha). problem is i dunno how to initiate, i **** around do whatever, but i dont keep connection.
1. i dont talk to many girls outside of class.
2. My roomates are super chill, but i feel weird walking away from them to go hang out with some girls, this is probably stupid and i should just get some balls and do it, but its weird.
3. i don't initiate kino.

4. my greatest insecurity is probably i dunno if im being to chill or when to b crazy and exicting, i really need some help here.

question: I am mostly looking for some one who ha sbeen succesful gaming girls in a summer program environemnt that can give me some tips including: how to isolate, how to hit on a girl without being weird etc. Any help will be highly thankful, i need to win this bet.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
hmm heres the first contradiction...
1. You say you have game. You might or you might not. How the hell woudl i know?
2. Your friends were willing to be 200 dollars that you couldn't hook up with one girl by the end of summer.

Now, i dont want to argue over whether or not you ahve game...but $200 is quite a lot for such a your friends must really think you dont have game.

BUT here's the second contradiction to your "having game" dont know how to initiate..

here are my responses to your 4 points

1. start talking to girls outside of when you pass by..and if they smile back or even if they dont sometimes, say hi...introduce yourself..make small talk and number close..

2. you already have girls to hang out with? why do you need the talk to girls outside of class for this bet then...but if you don't, and are simplythinking's not even a problem, as you said so yourself..and you know the answer, get balls and do it.

3. initiate's not that hard..tap onthe shoulder...booty bump while standing next to her..spank if you're feeling wild but you have to know when and if she'd be receptive to one..but definitely fun..cause i love ass hah

4. first, you're basicallya sking how to "ACT" around dont need to be one or the other at a specific time..just LIVE...if you're at a party, and you feel like being wild and outgoing..then go crazy...if you're feeling laid back..then just go up to a girl and talk/kino smoothly..

summer program environment = pretty much the same as any other environment...and anyways, you can always go to the mall and finda girl to hook up with..there's girls all over this world...lots of them are good at flirting already..and they will give you that "fck me hard/please approach me" look

how to isolate: while you're on break/recess/lunch...and she's standing with her friends...put your arm around her and pretend to start talking about something "did i ever tell you about my pet rock?" and keep walking...dont let her stop...her friends will laugh and be thinking " rock"...and she'll giggle and follow along..if she pushes your arm away, you probably know she's not interested..and if she stops, you'll most likely be far enough to number close/suggest an outing for the weekend...and also, you're bound to find one girl alone at some point...

it's only weird if you come off as nervous/weird...james bond could walk up to 10 girls and ask them what color panties/thong they're wearing and 8 of em would i answer, i'd think...the other 2 would giggle and not tell him..he's that damn's really delivery/attitude

some of my words may be harsh, but it's because i've been here isnce oct '08


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2008
Reaction score
thank you

its true, the i have is a contradiction, i just have to talk to girls more.

You weren't harsh, you wre realists, i need to take action if i wanna make this bet, and my friends, well there sure i can't win, obviously thats why they bet, but thats cause i honestly havent cared until know, i've been so chill and happy i was like whatever.

So anyways theres gonna be a nightclub party tonight (no alchol of course) im thniking of chatting up some girls tonight at some movies we going too and then going crazy tommorow.

P.S. as i said above ive been here since 08, but in 08 i had some crush with a girl came here changed a bit, and ive only posted a bit here and there, overall i would say this is teh firts time i put nay reall effort into getting girls.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
Reaction score
England, baby!
your only chance is to find a desperate ( probably drunk it makes it easier) (likely ugly) girl (a "mess") and **** her... you win the $200

forget standards else you loose $200
Xetsu said:
that i could hook up with a girl by the end of summer (first time).

I got game, i know i do, , i these girls, like mock-laugh there bad jokes, give them nicknames, engage in eye contact ( i love it when they are the first to look away haha). problem is i dunno how to initiate, i **** around do whatever, but i dont keep connection.
1. i dont talk to many girls outside of class.
2. My roomates are super chill, but i feel weird walking away from them to go hang out with some girls, this is probably stupid and i should just get some balls and do it, but its weird.
3. i don't initiate kino.
virgins DONT NOT have any game... i takes expereince to really have game, no offense but admit to your self you are a KJ...


Don Juan
Aug 8, 2010
Reaction score
We all got to start somewhere, and you should start at the bottom. You said you want leave your friends to be with girls. It sounds like you're scared of girls. And if you aren't, you just really love your friends