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  1. T

    The REAL reason why "nice guys" finish last!

    I would say all that what sums up a nice guy is a fake passive aggresive wuss....
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    Men wearing rings. What signals does it give a woman?

    if the jewely is interesting it will definately help you out. Also if you like it wear it.
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    Do you guys think this guy is for real?

    Hey guys, I have read some of speers stuff before and tried it and it worked pretty well. I noticed his training is a lot cheaper then some of the other companies and was wondering has anyone went to one of his training programs? He has some videos on here if you guys know anything about him...
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    Interesting Theories

    Hey Guys, I had to post this because I have read some things I think could help some other guys on here and to check it out. I have been going to a lot and reading his posts on building an idenity and life style. I have been using his Time and Effort value theory a lot and it...
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    So I asked a girl out on saturday night, and she says "We'll talk about it"

    why are you holding back from trying to have sex with her? If she feels you might be afraid to do it with her that might also hurt your chances too of really dating her if thats what you want.
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    How to approach a girl while she's listening to her ipod?

    also too a lot of times its hard to go indirect especially when the woman is doing something. You can just go pretty direct if you want tell her you couldnt help but notice her and wondering if she was single? this has worked for me to get girls off the phone or texting.
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    AFC going at it again.

    ok two things. first to feel more comfortable with yourself and with women try to go out especially in non social circle stuff like bars and malls and try to talk with women. If you hit on them and get rejected after awhile you really dont give a ****. Its easier said then done though. Also...
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    what if both play hard to get?

    Agreed. You have to watch too if you wait too long flirting and things and you have a secluded spot and dont make a move she will think you dont have the courage to do it and lose points.
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    Open like a master

    I dont mean to post twice about the same thing, but some of my friends took a bootcamps with different companies and I would like to get an opinion from someone here who as taken one.
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    Approach Anxiety, Failure & Core Confidence

    thats a very simple way to put it, but interesting and true to a certain extent.
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    where to start out?

    I agree with brian and you almost have to chunk this stuff. I think it took me over like 50 rejections till the point I didnt give a **** anymore. I also recommened innergame work as well. A lot of people dont stress that part but if you dont truly like yourself first and arent afraid to be...
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    WTF is wrong with me?

    Well look at it like this. Forgive yourself and forgive her and believe it was the best thing for both of you. If you beat yourself up about it youll either lose the girl you have now or go back to the other one....which doesnt sound like the option you really want.
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    Plan to create wingmen in college

    you have to watch trying to convert people who do this stuff. If they dont fully want to improve their life or really want to get women they will eventually hold you back. I also think there is a site its like PUA link and you can find wings in your area.
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    Open like a master

    Hey Guys, I dont know if you guys have ever read anything from Speer, but I bought open like a master and thought it was pretty good. It gave a different in sight that a lot of the other PU books you read and I have tried the stuff in the book and have been getting better results. I thought...
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    Find your confidence

    Confidence not only comes from believing in yourself, but confidence comes from doing as well. If you have never done something before you will be nervous about it, but the more you do it the more it becomes normal and a routine.
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    Using marijuana for education?

    Ive never heard of it for business, but I know people of using it for art and music to help them in that regard. haha I dont know about the whole smoking and studying. I know some people who take a beer or 2 sometimes and study and they say it helps, but not sure about weed.
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    anyone from akron/canton ohio?

    Hey guys, I was wondering if there is anyone from the akron canton area in ohio? There is no real community here and I was just looking for a like minded wing to go out with, have fun, and PU girls with.
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    Something I learned

    I second that too. Public speaking sucks at first, but once you get over the fear its a rush and it improves your social skills.
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    Video Games anyone?

    mass effect, rainbow six and command and conquer are awesome. I cant wait for the next fable too.
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    Cannot Ejaculate while getting Head

    maybe it is just this girl? I also agree it could be a some inner thing as well.