Something I learned


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2008
Reaction score
so in the summer i finally grasped this concept and began really confident, not giving a **** about what others thought and the true me showed . i was having the time of my life.. however something happened and i went back to my old ways and kept thinking.. " what did i do to get that confidence i had in the summer"
Then it came to me
In the summer i would consciously push myself out of my comfort zone in every possible situation. Well, sometimes i would wuss out, but I kept pushing my comfort zone. I was doing crazy things, talking to people, and taking chances. I would force myself to feel uncomfortable but after I did whatever I forced myself to do i would feel great and have a little more confidence! after a little while my comfort zone was much bigger and i felt that things such as talking to girls were much easier! I made plans to push my comfort zone farrr farrrrr away so that i would be unstoppable but i had an accident (and am finally better).

so i'm going to restart where i left off.
Guys, all you have to do is force yourself to do things that scare you, consistently, even if it doesnt relate to women, and the confidence will soon come to you as it did and will come again to me.


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2008
Reaction score
from your post maybe i shold try public speaking. i am afraid to death of it and if i became good at it, i'd probably have he most confidence in the world.


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2008
Reaction score
rapidfire said:
from your post maybe i shold try public speaking. i am afraid to death of it and if i became good at it, i'd probably have he most confidence in the world.
yeah man, go for it
a few years ago i used to be terrified of it
now when i get the opportunity i jump to the chance to do it
i still get a little nervous but its not a big deal

I kind of wrote this just to clarify my thoughts. a lot of times i have ideas running around in my mind and if I don't write them down i lose the idea.

the d-rock

Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
I second that too. Public speaking sucks at first, but once you get over the fear its a rush and it improves your social skills.