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  1. A

    Female - Looking for honest advice

    Which is exactly how i read it until he professed that drunken night he had had a crush on me. I told him i flirted and thought he wasnt interested. He said he had no idea i was flirting. Maybe i am too subtle. The farthest i will usually go is touching on the arm. If i don't get a touch back, i...
  2. A

    Female - Looking for honest advice

    I totally agree. I totally do not do that at my job. i am VERY direct and blunt at my work place. I think it has to do with fear of rejection. At work i don't take a rejection of an idea personally. But if i was direct with a guy in a romantic situation and was rejected, i would take it...
  3. A

    Female - Looking for honest advice

    There is more to that sentence i should have made clear. I won't lie .. i use the fact i am a woman in my job. Subtle flirting helps me. It is my advantage because i don't golf. What i meant by that statement is a guy who can tell the difference between me working a deal VS. me actually...
  4. A

    Female - Looking for honest advice

    I do think this is probably a problem. I have noticed it before. How can i come accross as still needing help .. which i do! without seeming .. helpless. Because i don't think helpless is attractive either. I think if a guy found helpless attractive ... we wouldn't work out. I don't want to...
  5. A

    Female - Looking for honest advice

    I have not straight out said it .. but i am probably being to subtle about it.I have found in my 29 years of life .. subtly does not usually get read by men.But being that i am a woman, i still do it. But my one concern with that is a guy who wouldnt know how to do it right. Like thinking...
  6. A

    Female - Looking for honest advice

    I could never post a pic...i found out about this place by listening to some of my male co-workers. i asked questions. After a few type-ins on google ..i found it. I don't think they are active posters .. but for all i know one of them could be responding to me in this thread LOL How's that for...
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    Female - Looking for honest advice

    I think my introduction gave out a wrong impression of how i introduce myself in real life. This is a message board and no one knows me .. and it was a cut down blunt explanation/bio. I think there are maybe 3 people in my life who know my salary. I do not flaunt it. I don't think of anyone...
  8. A

    Female - Looking for honest advice

    I don't need a man ... but i want one. I want someone to share life with. The good, the bad, etc. I want love, sex, fun, travel, compassion, support and be able to do those things for someone else. I truly want a partner in crime. My ideal man is also independant. Has a job. Is passionate...
  9. A

    Female - Looking for honest advice

    I really liked that write up! I would say i totally suffer from the "have it all" ideology. So ... outside of playing up the cuteness, not talking about money (which i don't) ... what else can i do? I am out very out going .. that OK? or does that come off "too party girl"? how does one...
  10. A

    Female - Looking for honest advice

    Wow ... lots of ranging responses. Ok let me try an answer a few. I actually don't consider myself an "alpha female" but i guess based on what i have seen described here and stuff .. i would fall in to that. I am in charge of 55 employees and work in the entertainment business as an...
  11. A

    Female - Looking for honest advice

    My last relationship ended because the guy started having a problem with my life i guess you can say. I work around forty to fifty hours a week and have certain work related activities, family and friends. But he was still always a priority. He started to want more and more of my attention, to...
  12. A

    Female - Looking for honest advice

    I have been a lurker here for along time, as you can tell by my username... so i have seen the threads about how some guys don't like females being here. If so please put me on ignor, so i do not disrupt your board experience. I am having a hard time with something and i can't think of a...