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    Day vs Night Workouts

    Its depends on you, when you feel you can train better? I know a bodybuilder that trains in the mornings, because he can workout harder in the morning, and I know bodybuilders that work out in the evening (6pm) because its the time they can train harder, I also know one bodybuilder that train in...
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    Brad Pitt: Workout & Body [Merged Threads]

    Well, brad pitt in fight club had a very low body fat precentage, its very hard to maintain your body muscle mass then your 6% body fat, your body start eating your muscles. Now alot of guys gonna say its not true, and I'll find a research about it to prove them its true. By the way, thats why...
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    Starting Creatine Cycle

    Creatine WONT make you gain muscle and WONT make you use muscle. So what it does? when using creatine your ATP energy recover faster, you get stronger and can lift bigger weights, lifting bigger weights + good nutrition = gain muscles. Navyseal2101, I think its fine. emelc, creatine dry...
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    A sign she isn't interested in me...?

    You are always there for her, she tells you to call - you call, she tells you to pick her up - you pick her up, she tells you to take her to places - you take her for places. If she wants something from you she know she can get it - thats your problem. A good idea will be making yourself...
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    Starting Creatine Cycle

    Thats my pleasure. Sugar doesn't help. This lady studied nutrition or physiology? I guess not.. As I said, awhile ago people said that creatine is better if you take sugar with it because then your insulin level goes up - and makes more precent of the creatine to get inside your muscles. But...
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    Vitamin C Pills

    Vitamin C is an antioxidant but its also responsible for producing collagen (=the material that holds your body together) and it helps your immune system as well. Very high doses of Vitamin C you will pee out, and high doses for long time are not healthy. Doctors say that at the first sign of...
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    Starting Creatine Cycle

    I edited my post and corrected myself: 1) You should take creatine for 8 weeks and then 1-2 months break. 2) After the loading stage you should take only 5grams of creatine a day. Its unnececery to take more, because after the loading time of creatine, when your muscles full or creatine - any...
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    Starting Creatine Cycle

    Ok, its gonna be a long post, it might help alot of other people too. What is creatine? Creatine is C10 H16 N5 O13 P3. Creatine is a mix of arginine, glycine, methionine, 95%-98% of the creatine in our body is in our muscles, and 2%-5% is in our heart,brain and testicles. Creatine is based in...
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    really hard to admit, but I have a fear of sex

    When this problem started? Maybe you should see a therapist, there is nothing physically wrong with your d1ck and few meetings with a therapist can do wonders.
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    What do you suggest I do?

    Hi, thats not a carrer defining job so I have no worries. Its not a problem for me to get girls outside the office, but as I said, this is not a kind of girl I meet everyday. You say that I help her boyfriend to keep his relationship with her, but a month ago she was completly crazy about...
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    should you tell her?

    use a very thick rubber.
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    What do you suggest I do?

    You think? I've never been in the friend zone before.. There is a huge sexual attraction between us, and co-workers start to ask me if we are dating.
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    What do you suggest I do?

    Hi guys, I never had a problem getting the women I wanted with my good-looks and charm, I always been going out, having fun and got every girl I wanted - Until now. Now I met this amazing girl at work, shes extremely beautiful and sweet with a heart of gold. The only problem is that she has an...