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  1. V

    Right Forum?

    I joined this forum for tips about improving myself, my body and my mind. And to overcome Approach Anxiety. Obviously I place woman I don't know on a pedestal (hence AA), but no one I've met remains there for long. This just makes meeting new people hard, and I'm working on this by meeting as...
  2. V

    A Reoccurring Situation

    First off, I always write down what I've felt went well, what went okay and what I desperately need to improve. This helps me spot patterns in my approaches, and to focus on improving specific aspects of myself. I don't jump from one girl to the next, like some of the people on here. I...
  3. V

    A Reoccurring Situation

    I'm not exactly the most experienced when it comes to reading woman, and I'm curious as to what a woman means when she says something. Also I'm looking for some guidance and opinions on how to deal with the situation that has arisen. A little background perhaps, I'm an incredibly shy guy that...
  4. V

    Input Needed

    I love talking to woman, with no thought to anything besides the conversation at hand. I feel woman are easier to talk to and to get to know. Especially because I look like a harmless, and innocent guy.
  5. V

    Do any of you guys ever feel ugly?

    Once and awhile I feel that way. To get me out of that funk, I take a step back and really take to heart what Vladimir Horowitz said. As a man my best attributes aren't my good looks and I've never been with a woman for longer than a night that cares for my looks more than the rest of me.
  6. V

    Semi-Gay Friends

    I have two friends that have long term girlfriends but are overtly sexual in nature towards the other guys in the group. Like sitting on your lap or making a loud statement of how good the sex was with you last night. They really enjoy doing it to me because I have this tendency to blush when...
  7. V

    How do I get COOL people to hang out with?

    These cool people are really great to hang around with because they have an aura of excitement they bring everywhere with them. Whether it be making parts on an assembly line or at the bar. But you shouldn't worry about hanging out with them, you can't teach someone to be cool. You can teach...
  8. V

    Why do I feel like this?

    Don't let anyone confuse you, girls want it just as bad as guys. Just who is more than likely to give them that screaming orgasm, A big muscular guy or a weakling? From the get go people who are closer to weakling are at a disadvantage, but that doesn't have to mean you won't get intimate. If...
  9. V

    Want to stop being so needy

    I was in the same boat as you for a long time. I wasn't really sure who I was as a person, and I was looking for someone else to tell me who I was. That just doesn't work and I finally realized that. I don't know if you are suffering through the same thing as the list from Interceptor has many...
  10. V

    21 points of advice...Should help everyone!

    8. Women think with their emotions, not their brains. Men should think with their d**k, not their brains!!! He who hesitates, masturbates!!! Hahaha
  11. V

    Nothing is EVER clear to me...I just don't get it.

    She just got out of a serious relationship and you want to sleep with her right away? And yet somehow you're the victim. Okay, you walked home all by yourself but it would have been better if you hit on another girl. It didn't have to ruin your night because J wasn't responding to your advances...
  12. V

    What should I do?

    It shouldn't matter that her mom is the store manager. Obviously you would feel a little weird because apparently you stalk her daughter by always working in the same isle as her. If she says yes, it pretty much means I'm not available to you. If she did think you were ugly, why would you...