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  1. W

    Just weird

    i feel for you man. working with an ex is tough. DO NOT: tell her u miss her, call her, text her, stare at her. Resist the urge to act bitter to her. If she initiates conversation with you just be a fun cool guy. You're prolly thinking u should do something to win her back or convince her u...
  2. W

    Speaking and Public Speaking

    alcohol definitely helps. but you'll never improve your sober game unless you game while your sober.
  3. W

    Hey, I just thought of a great C/F opener (a cant miss Dong Fu special)

    the problem is you have to walk around a club holding a book. plus why would u want a girl to be conscious of "the method"
  4. W

    How to "snap out of it"

    put your.... head down,grip the ball tight, and run through the line into the end zone. when things are rough and your bummed and low-energy you just gotta fight through it. realize that how your feelin now is temporary. keep gaming sets with no worry or desired outcome.