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  1. P

    I'm 25, she's 18, need some serious advice

    Jaxon, This is one of the single creepiest things I've ever heard in my life. After reading your original post, and the posts to follow, you clearly need more guidance than can be provided in this thread. You aren't a "top tier" dude yet, and anyone who tells you to "go for it" is absolutely...
  2. P

    Thinking about giving up...

    For now, forget about the end result. Forget about getting laid. Forget about trying to create attraction. Instead, focus on holding conversations with girls (and peope in general). Ask questions to get them to talk. It really does sound like you need help with conversations. Post what a...
  3. P

    What to do, what to do...

    This site really isn't about "how to get the only girl I'm interested in." It's more about improving your game as a whole. Of course you should talk to her again. But your window of opportunity has already passed. You'll probably have to open a new one. Read up on this site. There's...
  4. P

    Tips for a powerful sexy voice?

    I actually work at a sports talk radio station, and I've been in radio for three or four years. I recently listened to recordings from three years ago and compared them to recordings from this summer. My voice is deeper and more resonating. In fact, it slowly transformed that way over time...
  5. P

    ****ey Situations...DJ's help, yea?

    Just be honest, man. Tell her you're a pickup artist and you'd like nothing more than to pump her guts full of ****. If she responds negatively, "next" her, and move on to the next target.
  6. P

    Am I not improving or are the girls just not interested?

    And yet, you care enough to post a message about them on this forum... Just be normal man. Be confident, be direct, say what you want, and do what you want. And take responsibility.
  7. P

    Tell My Pledge Brothers Im a Virgin?

    There are two things about you that speak volumes: 1.) You care what these douchebags think. 2.) You belong to a frat with these douchebags. If you truly care about what these guys think, I strongly recommend doing some soul searching for that inner game (and you DO care, otherwise you...
  8. P

    Comment on this pick up i just made at a grocery store!

    Thought it was a great approach. Could have hung around another minute or two and found out some particulars, simply for rapport-building purposes. Not sure about the "choose your cereal wisely" comment, but if it works with your frame, so be it. Did she really say her name was hb9? :up:
  9. P

    Should I care?

    If you have to ask, you care.
  10. P

    Welcome to My World!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ha, I've skimmed the 8 pages in this thread, and from what I've read you've done a fantastic job improving. Your interactions are confident and natural, which puts you ahead of 98% of all other guys. Nothing canned, nothing fake. It seemed as if you went for the number close before you build...
  11. P

    books on improving conversation skills

    This will change your life.
  12. P

    Atheist Dating a Christian

    I assume you are implying that atheists are stupid. So kids are smart for believing in Santa Claus? The Easter Bunny? The tooth fairy? The argument swings both ways. The fact of the matter is this... If you are an atheist, it's difficult to date a girl who is religious. At some...
  13. P

    went out with 5 hot girls clubbing

    Dude. She has a boyfriend. Keep her as a friend. Use her as social proof when you go out.
  14. P

    need advanced help with banging ex-profeesional NFL cheerleader at my gym

    This is simple. You don't need to play any games, and you don't need any special "tactics". You've clearly build a good rapport with her, and she's clearly somewhat interested in you. Next time you see her in the gym, strike up another conversation. When the conversation is at its peak, say...
  15. P

    The Manipulated Man

    This concept is impossible. If you can explain how a man can get screwed over by a woman WITHOUT having it be the man's fault, I'll wire you $5.
  16. P

    My Friends are Holding me Back

    To be honest, it's almost impossible in high school. Everyone is so relyant on friends. If you stop hanging out with them regularly, they'll get pissed. When you're done with high school, everything changes. The cliques disappear, and everybody becomes more independent and self-confident...
  17. P

    The Manipulated Man

    For the record, Derek, I just joined this site last week... But you clearly make the most sense of anybody. One of those people who "gets it". As far as the "manipulation" conversation is concerned... Nobody can make you do anything. It's impossible for one person to manipulate another. It's...
  18. P

    My Friends are Holding me Back

    Alkali, I still hang out with a few of the biggest chodes on the planet. But I'm at a point where it doesn't hinder me anymore. It's not necessarily getting rid of your old friends that matters. It's adding new friends who can help you get to a new level. Eventually, you might be better friends...