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  1. P

    Text messages for Day-2s... How often?

    About this issue of persistance... I would agree that being persistant is a turn, however David D and Tyler and all these guys say that being persistent can be a good thing. One of my problems is that I am a good looking guy who might come off as too much of a PUA and player, since I always...
  2. P

    Text messages for Day-2s... How often?

    Thanks Noirsake ... and Thanks Ostepop especially for your long, indepth reply! :)
  3. P

    Text messages for Day-2s... How often?

    Lol, posting a reply to my own thread... Lol, posting a reply to my own thread... anyway, here's an interesting article I found... Some controversial ideas, worth a try... "With text, be quick and cute. Don't go...
  4. P

    Text messages for Day-2s... How often?

    Does anyone have any good advice on how often to text after getting a number? (NOTE: I live in Europe where everyone sends SMSs instead of calling [By the way, if any of you have any anti-sms/pro-calling arguments, I'd love to hear them]) Anyway... my day-2 ratio is good. over 1/2 of...
  5. P

    I made a weak wuss move

    I wouldn't have deleted her number but would have kept it around to send her a casual "what's up?" text message in 3 months or so. You might catch her at a time when she's bored or lonely and you might have another chance. I text girls a few times, if they don't respond, I'll text them again a...
  6. P

    Clubs: How to control alcohol to keep state...

    Thanks for the replies so far... @ Ligyron,... maybe it's a joke for you because you are so naturally charming on a two drink evening, but there are some people who feel slow-witted and all-too-serious without drinking and tend to get too drunk to fast when they start, wanting to stay the...
  7. P

    Clubs: How to control alcohol to keep state...

    Any thoughts on this are appreciated... I'll go out to a club sober, in a great state. Sometimes I drink a swallow of olive oil beforehand in anticipation of the ****tails. I'll go into the club, open all the girls I don't know, talk to a few people I know, go to the bar and order a vodka...
  8. P

    PU techniques for beaches in foreign countries?

    Thanks for your suggestions!
  9. P

    PU techniques for beaches in foreign countries?

    Hey Don Juans! Question... I'm off to the beach in Greece to party, catch some sun, beautiful women, etc. Where I'm going there will be 99% tourists - HBs from all over Europe. My question is about language. I speak English, French and know 50 phrases in Greek. I am most comfortable...
  10. P

    Paris, France?

    Anyone in Paris??:cool: