PU techniques for beaches in foreign countries?


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2007
Reaction score
Hey Don Juans! Question...

I'm off to the beach in Greece to party, catch some sun, beautiful women, etc. Where I'm going there will be 99% tourists - HBs from all over Europe.

My question is about language. I speak English, French and know 50 phrases in Greek. I am most comfortable opening girls in French but I know everyone speaks English.

Here is the question... What do I say when I go up and try to open a girl in English or French and she tries to blow me off by saying "I don't speak English (or French)" If she is a Greek, I am not good enough in Greek to counter with a ****y reply in Greek. Though most likely it will be a lie since everyone speaks English, and if they don't, they will be so self-conscious about that fact that they will be insecure and ultra-easy to open.

What would you say if you walk up to a HB tanning on a blanket on a beach and say some ****y+funny comment in English and she simply leans over to her beautiful friend tanning besides her and mumbles something in a strange language that seems to say in snobby tone of voice "What is this chump asking? I don't speak his language." ??

Your suave advice is much appreciated!


Master Don Juan
Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score
what i do in another country is I open in the country's language....and then later asking if they know how to speak (the language you want to speak) politely so you can transition speaking into ur language. if not you can always ask if they want to learn and set up some sort of mutual "oral" practice lessons......