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  1. L

    Is it rude for a girl to just leave the country with no warning?

    I think "rude" was a poor choice of word. I think weird would have been better. Certainly I have never had a girl accept a first date and then leave the country the next day without making her plans perfectly clear so I knew where I stood. Mr Me's interpretation I think is on the money...
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    Is it rude for a girl to just leave the country with no warning?

    I did not think to ask her when she would be back. Like I said she only mentioned she was off to Italy when she asked me to walk her home and as it was Thursday night I kinda assumed it would just be a long weekend or something as she was so vague about it. I agree it is weird to accept a...
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    Is it rude for a girl to just leave the country with no warning?

    Met a hot Italian girl on the way to work. Exchange numbers set up a date. Have a really great first date, one of those first dates where you talk for hours, laugh a lot, smile a lot and end up having a steamy kiss. So naturally I'm looking forward to seeing her again and looking forwards even...
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    The Male Sex Drive- Curse or Blessing?

    In reference to the earlier post....low sex drive does not necessarily imply low testosterone. Depression/stress can suppress the sex drive even if your testosterone levels are normal or high. Currently because of depression my sex drive is incredibly low, but when I was younger I was...
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    dude...waht the FVCK is wrong with me!!!!!!

    Life is about time management. Relationships consume time. Therefore if you feel your time is better spent moving your life in the direction of where you want it to be, then you are best off not in a relationship. Either that or you find a girl who is perfectly happy being way down on your list...
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    Owen Wilson attempted suicide [Merged Threads]

    I'm depressed myself and there is no good reason for it...on paper I do have everything but it does not seem to change how I feel and I do not get pleasure from any of my achievements or anything I do in life. So I'm inclined to think Owen Wilson is probably depressed too. I'm amazed to see...
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    Any guys good at online dating?

    I'm real busy with work at the moment, trying to set up my own business so do not have time to hit the bars and clubs as much as I'd like. A friend of mine suggested i post a few ads on craigslist. Im a good looking guy and can write, so I've got quite a lot of replies. Amazingly quite a few...
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    The Instant Eww

    knowbull couldn't agree more. A lot of girls will say stuff like that as a test to try and gauge how you feel about them. I think David D has the right idea when he says to reply to **** like that with ****y funny e.g. girl: I really like you you: I know (with a smirk) Then if she...
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    The Instant Eww

    Yep. I came to this site looking for a LTR but instead it seems I've learnt how to attract hot girls and keep them attracted so they WANT to keep stringing me along. It all seems rather soulless. Most relationships seem to be based on mutual attraction and little else.
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    I'm emotionless...

    If I'm being honest Im not sure I see the point of this post. You say you are emotionless and do not care about other people. Then you insist there is nothing wrong with this. You don't trust people or let them get close to you. Then you insist there is nothing wrong with this. Indeed you go so...
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    The Instant Eww

    tmpgskx: Ah yes the exclusive thing. In the UK used to go out with one person at a time. But with all the US TV girls watch they suddenly think it is ok to date and sleep with multiple guys until it is clear that you are in a relationship (whenever the hell that is). If you say you want to be...
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    I'm emotionless...

    Through drive and determination you have pulled yourself from being a loser with nothing to a success with everything or pretty damn close. But it seems like you are not really fulfilled. You readily admit that women are only interested in you because of your success, your looks and your game...
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    The Instant Eww

    Something that happened quite a few times in my past was the following: I'm dating a girl, it all seems to be going well, basking in afterglow I say something like "I really like you", a long silence follows and the girl changes the subject. The next morning she acts distant, stops returning...
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    Caveat emptor (buyer beware): relationships with beautiful women

    The problem with going from AFC to DJ is that a part of you remains relationship oriented. The novelty of hooking up with a different girl every weekend starts to wear thin and you find yourself wanting more. If you date a hot girl after a while the emotions start kicking in and you start...
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    Strength-the essence of a Don Juan

    Being a DJ is about being a man and man is defined by strength. Beauty is a female quality. Sure girls like to look at pretty boys and use them as sex toys or show them off to friends but they do not respect them. Women are a weak gender, plagued with doubts, insecurities, and feeling like they...