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  1. N

    Starting out, need some input

    Dude, you have great potential. Go get a haricut and style at a salon and update the wardrobe. Have a chick friend (or worse case your sister/cousin) go with you. Your inner game is key here. Interact with women everywhere you can. Even if it is via chat online or at work. This will help...
  2. N

    Getting a girls email from professor?

    Bro, dont do it. You will come off as a stalker and weird her out and lose any chance with her. Your best to try and see her again next term and let her give you her email/number. It may take some time but it will give you a chance. Getting her email from the school will creep her out and...
  3. N

    Quick Advice before I try this

    Anyone had any success telling stories to your target about how some other chick before her was a bad first date? I am thinking of running with this. It shows value (you are dating) and gives you the power. AM I off on this? Any advice before I run with this one?
  4. N

    my situation - needs your help

    Bro I have been in this before. It sucks once she knows you have her, no more challenge, but it may be fixable. I say start dating other girls and make sure you buddy knows and relays the story to her. Act like you couldnt care less about his sis for a couple months. This should increase...
  5. N

    How do you create attraction

    Dress well. Wear black or red. Spend some $$ on clothes. Let nothing phase you. Act like you dont care what happens. Nothing sets you off.
  6. N

    Advice with a CoWorker

    Gentlemen, Your advice is needed. I have a female coworker that had been giving subtle IOIs over the last few months, such as suggesting we hang out together at the company picnic, telling me she needs to find a husband, and hinting that she finds me attractive. I didnt know her at the...
  7. N

    Ongoing Saga with this woman

    yeah I am looking to date Sally. Nothing too exclusive though.
  8. N

    Ongoing Saga with this woman

    Reply looking to date sally
  9. N

    Ongoing Saga with this woman

    I need a bit of advice. I met this woman about 4 months ago. We will call her Sally. Played the challenge role to a tee and she ended up asking me out. We went a couple times and I was such a challenge so she gave up. We kept in contact as 'friends' and she did admit she had a romantic...