Getting a girls email from professor?


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
Ok the semester is over and I didn't get the chance to exchange contact information with my oneitis. We were going to coordinate taking the same class next semester. She specifically asked me which one I was taking and with what professor. She went to the bath room and I told her that I was going to get a class schedule. When I got back she was still in the bathroom. I saw somebody I knew from a different class and I talked to him to pass the time. I'm 90% sure that I saw her walk out and go past me into the library. I took a little too long in getting rid of the guy and when I went into the library I couldn't find her.

Today was the last day of school and unless I get some contact information I'll never see her again. I really need to try and get a bit of closure out of her. I was planning to talk to her about a lot of things today but she vanished on me. I realize that she kind of dissed me but right now I don't give a fuck about that. I'm thinking about asking the professor for her email when I see him tomorrow. I don't know if he can do that but I really need to talk to her one last time. If the professor can't give it to me I have a friend who works in admin and records and she could probably give it to me.

If I do get it I'll send her something like
Hey xxx,

I got your email from Professor P. I didn't get to finish talking to you yesterday. Anyways I just wanted to say that I hope you have a good winter break. If you ever wanted to get anything from where I work just email or call me at (xxx-xxxx) and we can meet up. By the way I'm taking the 11 am class next semester with Professor T. You should register early to make sure you get in.

I would just send her one email. If she doesn't reply then I'll forget her. If she does reply then the dynamic between us will have changed.

Is this a good idea or a really bad idea? If it works and replies then it would be genius. If it doesn't then she might think of me as a stalker but I'll most likely never see her again so it doesn't really matter. Also any tips on what I can change about my email to her? I want to sound as un-needy and as cool as possible.
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Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Bro, dont do it. You will come off as a stalker and weird her out and lose any chance with her.

Your best to try and see her again next term and let her give you her email/number. It may take some time but it will give you a chance. Getting her email from the school will creep her out and you lose her all together.

Mr. Wolf

Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
I had a guy call me today.. Private Caller.. I didn't pickup at first, but then I did.. One of my customers.. Sounded like a total AFC.. Freaky too. Scary.. Why call as private caller, eh??

Now, I'm a guy, and he is a guy, and we are in different states, and it freaks me, a guy out..

Picture how much you will freak that girl out..

Do it to fail and learn what you probably already suspect.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
The way I see it is that I don't have any chance with her any longer. The class that we are going to take is being offered on three different times. It also doesn't start until Jan 20th.

If she does get the email and thought of me as a stalker would she remember that and think negatively of me if I do happen to run into her next year? Would she be that creeped out? Even though I've basically talked to her everyday?

Bah I shouldn't have screwed up and got her contact information a long time ago. If I thought of asking it from her today at school I know she would have given it to me. It just didn't occur to me till I got home.

Another option is that I can have the professor email her and ask her if it's ok for him to give me her email. Or is that too AFC?

Mr. Wolf

Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
You're not suppose to be AFC man.. What's wrong with you?

This reminds me of my long ago AFC oneitis.. Classes over, I can't find her anywhere.. But I knew where she lived.. But no balls to go there.. Searching phone book and calling, lol..

Come on.. Are you really like that?

She's a girl, and she'll be in school next year.. What is it? 40 days away? Big deal.. It will probably play into your favor, you can almost start over.. Instead of a guy she talked to every day, now you can reframe it..

By the way, are you planning to hit a bar, getting drunk, and yelling her name out loud? Somebody here can give you a link to EMO forums..

Grand Wizzard Alamar

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
My bed, your girl.
Maxtro said:
The way I see it is that I don't have any chance with her any longer.
Glad you realize this... now apply it and forget her!

Man, you'll just see her next year, no big deal. Damn work on your game until then for Godsakes! No more oneitis would be a good thing to work for.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
Theres only a 1 out of 3 chance that we will be in the same class. Honestly with my luck I know that I won't see her again next year. She's not somebody I just want to waltz out of my life. I just wish I had more time to talk to her, that my last interaction was a better thought out. Fuck I hate looking back at my past and only seeing regrets. Could of, should of, would of. I just want to "win" with girls at least once in my life.

This chick is probably the hottest girl I've ever met and she was the coolest girl I've ever talked to. One month isn't that long and I guess I can pray to God that she will be in my class next semester. If she's not I can just go to all three sessions the first day of class until I find her. I just wanted to make sure that we took the same class next semester. We've even talked about it a couple of times but I never knew what the teachers name was when she asked me those times.

Ok so getting her email that way seems to be a really bad idea. Here's to luck.

Grand Wizzard Alamar

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
My bed, your girl.
What a b!tch... look what shes done to you. She's turned you into a desperate loser who's begging to God, the lord himself, just to get a girl that you have no real deep experiences with.
You just have a friendship with her.

If you forget her and move on you will be so much happier and you'll be able to find that 1 girl who's 100 times better than this one.

Believe me, there are way better. For example one that actually likes you.
You gotta be independent man, go find a girl for yourself. You can get any other girl in the world if you have a fresh, new start and express yourself in a way that she likes.

Like you said in your OP,
"I realize that she kind of dissed me but right now I don't give a **** about that."

Fvck her, she doesn't deserve you. She's a b!tch if she does that to anybody.


Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
I really need to try and get a bit of closure out of her.
She can sense neediness.
I was planning to talk to her about a lot of things today but she vanished on me.
She fled now you are following. "Flee and they will follow. Follow and They will flee" - M.A.C.K. TACTICS
I realize that she kind of dissed me but right now I don't give a **** about that.
Now you're conveying that its ok to treat me like that and that i'm not a challenge. :nono:
I'm thinking about asking the professor for her email when I see him tomorrow. I don't know if he can do that but I really need to talk to her one last time. If the professor can't give it to me I have a friend who works in admin and records and she could probably give it to me.
The more you need her the less she needs you.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
GWA, for as long as you have been alive I have been desperately trying to get a girl. You're right that I just have a friendship with her. But as crappy as it sounds, thats basically the closest I have gotten to a girl.

I have moved on so many times. I think I have had about 10 cases of oneitis in my life. For once I'd actually like to get a girl. With this one drifting out of my life it's just another failure. I learned a couple of lessons but I still didn't get the girl. I'm getting real tired of becoming interested in a girl then screwing up with her.

And yes I know that she isn't interested in me. I guess I just wanted her to say that to me. Ugh I hate these feelings that keep popping up in my life.


Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Don't let it bother you. You have to deal with the feelings and learn from them. Women need men not the other way around. Next time do not convey neediness to her or the next and try to stay focused on being a DJ.