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  1. K

    What is the best thing to say if you don't want to talk about work?

    Well, I went to a presentation on this topic and El Topo from Mystery's Bootcamp said that you should tell it in a different light than normal. Turn common questions like this into a way to DHVing yourself through STORY: Ie. If your a mechanic and she asks what you do say something like...
  2. K

    Walking approaches.....any advice from experienced guys?

    It's a pretty common consensus among everyone in my lair that directness is the most successful method for day game. Just walk up to her and say something (in your own words) like "Hey, I just saw you over there and I just wanted to come over and get to know you better." At this point they'll...
  3. K

    Sticking Point: Run out of talk in the

    I've been doing alot of sets and I've learned a few things so far. First, comfort and happiness is essential. You never want to go into a set feeling like crap cus it won't work out. SO whatever you have to do to get yourself into that state, do it. Also, peacocking definitely has it's place...
  4. K

    The Good And The Bad Since Coming To Sosuave

    Can you explain this Rollo?
  5. K

    The Good And The Bad Since Coming To Sosuave

    I guess part of my problem is that after reading article after article about "forget women, do what you love" etc. I haven't been able to find anything in life that moves me day in and day out. It's hard for me to be consistantly wanting to do something that that feels aweful. It's like...
  6. K

    The Good And The Bad Since Coming To Sosuave

    I've been visiting this site since 2004 and I've had some success but not as much as I would like. There are certain things I've taken away from sosuave. Good: I act like a man and take responsibility for myself. I never quit anything I start I'm so much more physically healthy I know...
  7. K

    Study says muscular guys get more women than skinny .

    No way! Post your references so I can check up on that.
  8. K

    Failing and need a boast

    Amante Silverstre, I've read alot of your advice on this forum and it's all dead on. Thanks for replying. I'm mostly scared of what my friends and family will think since I've lied to them about having girlfriends in the past. This is the REAL hard part for me. It's become a huge burden in...
  9. K

    Failing and need a boast

    Thanks for the responses. Yes there is a definite lack of self esteem that comes from being so unsuccessful at this age of my life. It's not so much the initial approaching that scares me as it is the subsequent bombing that occurs when I 'run out of steam' and am open to their judgements...
  10. K

    Failing and need a boast

    Ok guys I've been on this site since oct 2004 and I have not managed to lay any girls. I'm want to explain what I think my problem is and then what I plan to do about it. My situation is more than I can type in one post so I'll just list my major problems and possible solutions. Please...
  11. K

    I'm strong... but I want to look better.

    I'd say do more stretching as well. Streching and has definitely helped my circulation and my overall manner of carrying myself. I stretch for like 30 minutes a day on top of powerlifting and that really helps my naked look. I also feel like I can focus more on which muscles I'm flexing in...
  12. K

    Going out by yourself

    Hey guys. I've been looking on this forum about a year now. I still have a long way to go to be where i want My problem is I'm 25 and alot of my friends work and don't have time to go out bars as often as I like to improve on my game (I want to get out at least 3 days a week to sarge)...