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  1. B

    How to handle one night stands?

    So I went away to school this past year and last semester kind of sucked, tough classes, didnt go out a lot, didnt meet a lot of girls etc. :mad: This semester I'm going out more and I've been meeting girls and my game is getting a lot better too. One thing I'm not too experienced with is one...
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    Field Report & what to do when she confuses you with another guy...?

    Whatsup guys, I've been aware of this community for awhile now but I never really made any effort towards getting better with women so I've decided to finally take some action and work on my game. I'm going to start going out to more clubs and bars and also try to work on my "day game" esp...
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    Speech on why women are crazy

    Alright guys, so for my communications class I decided that my next speech is going to be on why women are crazy lol. My goal is to make it funny but true at the same time. Unfortunately there aren't any hot girls in my class but I also don't want to say anything TOO offensive to the ones that...
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    When you guys do squats...

    do you use one of those foam pads that go around the bar to cushion it or are you suppossed to suck it up and use just the bar. My old gym I used to go to had those foam pads to put around the bars and now the gym I go to at school doesnt have any. It hurts when the bar is resting against my...
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    Top Gear

    I love that show. I usually just watch clips on YouTube, I'm not sure if they show it on my cable. I love it when they test out the supercars, makes me a little jealous though :mad: lol. They've also done some cool tests like the Range Rover vs. a Tank, Evo vs. Bobsled, and how to kill a Toyota.
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    Music which gives you a jolt of energy:

    Some songs I like to listen to get me pumped up before Hockey are Bush - Machinehead, Chemicals between us Evanessance - Bring me to life Jimmy Eat World - Takes my pain away Sugarcult - Los Angeles Breaking Benjamin - Diary of Jane, Breathe I also love Techno, some of my favorites...
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    Going away to college, advice needed, Medical school ?'s

    Hey guys, I was hoping that some of you who are older and more experienced would be able to help me out. I'm 21 years old, I live with my parents, and haven't been in school for the past year and I haven't actually been in college full time since I was 18. My parents dont help me pay for school...
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    its my x gf's.... should i...

    I definitely wouldn't...
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    crazy halloween costume ideas?

    I got this pirate costume I haven't dressed up for halloween in years, I'm excited :D anyone have any good ideas for lines I can use besides "I'm looking for booty" lol
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    How do you handle the voicemail game...

    ok so how about this senario. Yesterday I called this girl and talked to her for a couple mins and I guess she was watching her favroite show on TV or some sh*t and said she'd call back but never did. Should I give it a few days and see if she calls back? Is it some kind of sh*t test they like...
  11. B

    I'm so torn right now

    Well I can't completely relate to your situation since I'm not a bodybulider but I am very passionate about Hockey. I dont play as much as I used to since these days I'm busy with college and work, but back in high school when I played a lot and I was with my ex-gf I made it clear that hockey...
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    Help with workout

    alright so I did Day 1 of the workout on Monday October 1st then I caught a bad cold and felt crappy for the past several days, not to mention I'm sore as f**k from those squats... I could barely walk lol I guess the soreness is a good thing, plus I'm new to this so I'm sure as time goes on...
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    Help with workout

    I just started working out and I'm using the book "Scrawny to Brawny" as my guide. It seems like a good program and it has good information for skinny guys who are trying to bulk up. Only thing is that a few of the excercises require machines that I dont have access to. At my house I have a...
  14. B

    My 1st post ever, and also looking for some advice

    Hey guys, first off I just want to introduce myself. I'm 20 years old (soon to be 21) and I'm on this site looking to improve myself and working towards becoming that guy I want to be. I've read some posts and skimmed through the "DJ Bible" and theres definitely some good information here, it's...