I'm so torn right now


Don Juan
Aug 26, 2006
Reaction score
Okay, this situation that I am in might seem weird, but it is really stressing me out. In short, I am torn between an awesome girl and my love of bodybuilding. I have been lifting for a long time, although pretty much every time something has gotten in the way and I would stop for a few weeks then start again, which almost always leads to me seeing much less results than I have the potential for. Well this is pretty a pretty major issue. I met a girl a month ago and we have been hitting it off. One huge problem is that the majority of the times we hang out involve drinking (usually pretty heavily on my part). Drinking KILLS me when it comes to lifting. I have been drinking 2 times a week for the past month, the most I have ever. My fitness is going to hell right now, but at the same time when me and this girl hang out and drink, we have amazing times (sex is also involved). Me and this girl are on the verge of a relationship, and every time we hang out I forget about lifting and bbing and solely focus on having a good time with her. I think a big part of what she likes about me is the fact that I am spontaneous, adventurous, and all that. In all honestly, I believe that if I give up drinking, then we will probably go our separate ways (we are in college, btw).

I am beginning to realize how bad it has gotten because my best friend, who started lifting about a year ago because of me (I basically showed him all the basics, pointed him in the right direction, etc.), he has now surpassed me pretty majorly. My friends don't even associate me with lifting anymore, and he is known as the fitness guy that everyone goes to for advice. While I am glad for him that he has seen so much success, to be honest it tears me up a little inside, because lifting is such a passion for me and I am blowing it. But dammit at the same time the times that I am having with this girl are like a dream for me. So it is like I am giving up one dream for another. When I was doing good with lifting, I felt good but wished that I had a girl, but now it is like the opposite.

Can anybody relate or give me some advice? You can yell at me if you want. I just need some input because this is stressing me out.

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
The girl is not forcing you to drink heavily my friend, you are choosing to. Show a bit of willpower and cut back on the alcohol consumption, then you can have both. You won't be called a wuss for not drinking, if anything it will show strength of character.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
If she doesn't accept you if you choose to no longer drink she wasn't right for you anyway dude.


Don Juan
Aug 26, 2006
Reaction score
KontrollerX said:
If she doesn't accept you if you choose to no longer drink she wasn't right for you anyway dude.

The thing is that she is right for me. Honestly, I'm not into girls that are too uptight to have any fun or do anything crazy. Most girls on my campus that don't drink are the religious type and that is totally not my style. I don't want to give up this girl, but I NEED to lift consistently in order to keep my sanity.


Don Juan
May 13, 2007
Reaction score
Well I can't completely relate to your situation since I'm not a bodybulider but I am very passionate about Hockey. I dont play as much as I used to since these days I'm busy with college and work, but back in high school when I played a lot and I was with my ex-gf I made it clear that hockey was my priority, even if there was some kind of school dance like homecoming or sadies and I had a hockey game that night then oh well too bad, I was playing hockey that night. I would even joke around to her face and say stupid things like "whats better? hockey or sex? hmm... I'd have to say hockey" lol

But the way I see it is if it's something like a sport or hobby that you're passionate about then it is always going to be there for you to make you feel good. Whereas a girl, no matter how awesome she may be, probably isn't going to be around forever. Shes also capable of cheating on you, leaving you, hurting you etc. So I would never give up something that you're passionate about over some female. If I were you I'd try to find a balance between both, like maybe hangout with her still but dont drink... you could be the designated driver or something. Or just drink once a week and dont get wasted, I'm sure a couple drinks aren't going to mess you up that bad. Thats just my opinion. Good luck