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  1. E

    is it okey to check hers cell phone`?

    Lol wait till you see her checking your phone then propose a trade :)
  2. E

    I just thougth of the best place to do kino... your thoughts?

    "dance classes" wow that sounds interesting. I hear theres a shortage of males too :P
  3. E

    Repetition of the tips

    Guy: *confidently walks up to her* Heyy Girl : *takes out tiple barell shotgun* say hello to my little friend ? Guy: *hesitates* ... umm..hi.. Girl : ... umm , yeah i have a boyfriend but ill give you my number just in case
  4. E

    Girlfriend never talks when she calls

    Nothing, shes crying her guts out right now ! Great job
  5. E

    On kino...

    By asking less questions When youre in the park just watch what the other couples do and try to imitate, if you dont have ANY ideea what to do :P
  6. E

    this led to the sex (and a question)

    whats up with all the LOL`s ? That doesnt even look like a very "inteligent" conversation but whatever gets the happy elves together eh ?
  7. E

    Too soft to get the girls and what you want in life?

    You have any ideea what forum this is ? Hit the gym ... whatever
  8. E

    Why am I so insecure?

    You staying inside geting all worried up bout whats goin on with them is not going to help you much now is it ? One thing you could do would be confronting her bout it ,and if she even looks weird at you just walk away. And DONT look back. Afterall youre nr1 at this point, right ? And another...