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  1. R

    girls that approach your friends

    oh posts are an indicator of how suave you are with the ladies now? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I guess that is your way of justifying your "pimpness" because of your measely post count, I bow down my master ;). Buddy, the only thing having a lot of posts means is you have no life and sit on this...
  2. R

    girls that approach your friends

    There is no need to have it on here you dolt as I am already talking to her. Your advice was worthless, if you can even call it advice. All you did is berate me for no reason, like I said, you are a judgemental keyboard jockey, waste of time and a reply. And yes, I am an AFC, If I was to...
  3. R

    girls that approach your friends

    Hehe...thanks for the long and intricate reply. I don't mind constructive criticism, but, I do love it when I write a couple of lines and I get some tool telling me who I am and what I am aka not constructive when you know nothing about me. I see you are 26 years old, but I think you're really...
  4. R

    The desire to cuddle, and other AFC-like urges; natural or unhealthy?

    no. if that's what you want to do, then do it. every girl is different, some may like it, others not.
  5. R

    I took my girl's virginity

    You can still get her pregnant from something called "pre-***". Use protection next time.
  6. R

    In college...

    The above is generally true. In my experience college parties are all about social proof, so if you're the "raddest" guy they wil give you the number themselves or after you talk to them. I really woudn't reccomend the walking pap smears that are college girls though...especially if you want a...
  7. R

    What is a woman??

    It's all about weeding out the bad one's till you find a good one's. If the girls that you see don't live up to your standards, why give them the time of day? Lots of guys (myself included) are guilty of this. True, sometimes these girls are good actresses and don't reveal their crooked ways...
  8. R

    Sosuave is a WONDERFUL site.......except for one thing

    Yes, I would agree with that. I was actually going to mention that, experiences that is. There are some knowledgeable people here that know the game well and have generally been through it all, so they have lots to offer to newer people who may have just found the site. Mechanics wise, I...
  9. R

    Is dancing alone bad?

    Yes if you can dance well. If you can't, then no, it's not a good idea.
  10. R

    Dealing with flaky chicks you DON'T want a relationship with

    You tell her you have better things to do (esp other women) then being flaked on, then you never talk to her again.
  11. R

    an idea of why hot girls reject you so much...

    If the girl is hot, I don't bother. Now there are some cases where you bother (when she pursues you), but those girls who are hot and overtly make it known I just ignore because they are not worth the time and effort. They think that because they look good they can do no wrong and when you get...
  12. R

    Sosuave is a WONDERFUL site.......except for one thing

    I wouldn't say the quality has stopped, i'd say everything has pretty much been convered. You can only cover things like eye contact so much
  13. R

    Is Anybody Here Getting Laid?

    double post ^
  14. R

    Is Anybody Here Getting Laid?

    Bro, while I echo your topic, you have to understand some people are just begginers. Most people who stumble across this site for the first time I imagine aren't DJ's, they need help and are looking for it. While the questions may seem riddiculous, they are one's that pretty much every guy who...
  15. R

    What do you wear to class? (college only)

    casual clothing, jeans and designer t's. what most people wear, but i try to avoid that gimmicky abercrombie or hollister crap
  16. R

    Is not the idea that a person will love you for who you really are just BS?

    This is true. Eventually a girl will respond to the true you, but you have to be true from the very beggining and not put up a shield for that to happen.
  17. R

    Does Size Matter?

    To a certain long as you're not a 2 incher and can perform well, you're fine. Honestly, chicks only say size matters because it's expected a big guy will deliver more often then not
  18. R

    girls that approach your friends

    It's all cool guys, thanks for reading, some folk are just mindless twits