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  1. S

    One Last Post

    That was hilarious. :crackup:
  2. S

    Was I rejected?

    Just looking for a lesson, don't care if I was rejected or not.
  3. S

    Was I rejected?

    I got a number from a girl last thursday. Called her today, invited her out for friday night. She said her friends anniversary was either friday or saturday and that she would have to check and I should call her back. I told her she has my number and she should call me back. Was this a...
  4. S

    I'm too old for you

    How do you guys respond to that, I got that today and had no idea how to respond to it.
  5. S

    Is everyone here a mysogynist closet case?

    time to /thread. No one here is a mysoginist.
  6. S

    Is everyone here a mysogynist closet case?

    Only two women I actually love are my mother and sister. When did I say I was a mysoginist? Never, just mentioned a distrust of women, nothing else. I wasn't legitimizing sihit, don't over analyze what I write.
  7. S

    Calling all the 'Men' for a Mentality test

    Dump her and tell her she's not welcome around you anymore.
  8. S

    Is everyone here a mysogynist closet case?

    Some of us have been fvcked over really well, so we still harbor a lack of trust for women. I know I do at least. I wish my ex would have dumped me over a text message. That would have been perfect to me. :cuss:
  9. S

    First Post, I think I got b*tched

    So there was this girl in class, lets say her name is tiffany, and we have been talking on and off. One day I decided to sit next to her in class. And we hit it off. 3 weeks have gone by, sometimes I go to class others I don't. Everytime I go I sit next to her and talk to her and we hit it...