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  1. O

    Starting from zero. Tips please?

    you sound like me 2 years ago. to give you an idea, i was just like you. wanted to build some more friends, and start pickup up some women. now, two years on, and i'm getting ridiculously good. (not boasting). for example last night i ended up going back with 6 HOT girls to their hotel...
  2. O

    How Do You React When Girls Neg YOU?!?

    guys think about this fora minute... how is negging the girl back going to help? the reason she is negging YOU is because she wants to knock your value down a peg. same way when you neg her. this means she considers you the boy! so its our job to show her a bit of interest at this point...
  3. O

    How Do You React When Girls Neg YOU?!?

    from what it sounds this girl who is touching you alot and neggin you, perceives you to be high value, and herself as less value than u. in this case, DONT neg her back as someone said. this is only going to lower her value into the dirt... you need to level the values. so currently...
  4. O

    put naked pics of ex on internet

    that **** aint smart! you gota remember even when girls piss you off with their lack of interest. they cant help what they attracted to... just like you cant help that you like that hot 10 on the front cover of PLAYBOY. its not constructive to your game to post pictures like this, because you...
  5. O

    Anyone Experienced This?!

    i shall give this a try! i like the thinkin.. to be honest what i'm beginning to notice is that it doesn't really matter what you say, its the sub communication between the two of ya. you could say "you're a ****in **** sucking biatch!" but as long as your actions demonstrate that you value...
  6. O

    Anyone Experienced This?!

    first off i'd like to say i've read the bible, and i'm fairly clued up on the subject so dont pass this question off as a silly one.. i want to know if anyone else has experienced it where a girl says to you (in say an online msn/aol conversation) "you love me" or "you want me" or sumthing of...