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  1. C

    Girl has a BF..

    Yeah, that was what I was thinking. And being not desperate, is quite a challenge don't you think? It's like when she wants you, you don't give her YOU. True about getting into a relationship I stole, but the thing is, I asked her if this happened before, she said it never happened before and...
  2. C

    Girl has a BF..

    That's what I thought, her BF will win. So how do I overcome this? Be another bad boy? lol.
  3. C

    i'm in need of an effective opener for a group of girls

    Haha, I don't think ALL girls would understand that ;p
  4. C

    Girl has a BF..

    So an update on my journey from the thread before. Asked her out on New Years, we went to watch fireworks and back to my place for a DVD session. When we got back, in between the movie (started for about 30mins), she let her hand down near me, so I held it, and she held back. She started...
  5. C

    I keep reading this AFC crap on here

    Well, I think you would still need to build on this one. Having fixed her car = -1 for you, she asking you to dinner = +1. Basically you're back at 0. C&F works, depends how you use it, so keep updating us on how your progress is. And about warming up the sheets, I haven't seen that you've...
  6. C


    Okay, in Asian culture, wine isn't really our thing, and I think it would be pretty awkward watching fireworks while drinking wine. I was thinking of going into work today, as she has an earlier shift than I do, and simply go "Why don't you show me how New Years is over here". I haven't spent...
  7. C

    "We're through"

    Next FEW weeks might be too much, give it 1-2 days, you don't want the strong feelings you have to wear off.
  8. C

    This chick pretty or not?

    No dude. Honestly speaking, not at all. Maybe it's not my style, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If you like her personality, why not, no one can judge who you want to be with. If you like her, go for it.
  9. C


    Hey everyone, as you can see I'm new here, but not too new tbh! I've read The Game, been at Style's and Mystery's forums and read up quite abit before posting. So please, please don't flame me =) Just had some general questions to ask, there's a girl at work, one year older than I am that...