

New Member
Dec 29, 2006
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Hey everyone, as you can see I'm new here, but not too new tbh!
I've read The Game, been at Style's and Mystery's forums and read up quite abit before posting. So please, please don't flame me =)

Just had some general questions to ask, there's a girl at work, one year older than I am that I've known for a couple of weeks now, at first, I played the "I don't really care if you're a HB10 ornot" style, totally ignored her even though we have known each other's names ( pretty much worked a charm ). Which made her curious about who I really was, age etc (Took that as an IOI).

She keeps telling me that I'm such a kid (Not in a bad way, but just trying to neg me I guess?), But I said "I'm not that young". She replied "Even one day younger, you're a kid!". At this point, I don't know if she's playing with me, or she's serious.

As you can see, the topic is about language, we speak a different language, she's from China and I'm Malaysian. Well, I can speak Mandarin but not as well as her, it's quite hard to communicate at times when I want to neg her, and she shields up, and I couldn't do anything.

I did the ESP test on her ( which failed as her number was 6 not 7 (Ask me to explain if anyone don't know about the ESP test) ) but I backed it up well by saying that she wasn't fun at all.

Another thing she said was, good looking guys are players, I don't know if she meant me, but I backed it up by asking "Are you sure? All guys?". She said "Mostly".

I've been negging her heaps, she pokes me (IOI) at work a couple of times which I rewarded her back by poking her a couple of times ( not straight away, took awhile so that was like giving her a reward ).

Now, I'm not sure what to do, I just got her number today which felt good, I know I should be the "non-aggresive, non-desperate guy". But as everyone knows, New Years is coming back, and she said she wanted to go see the fireworks and no one is going with her *I think*.

So advise me on my next move oh-great-DJs!
Mar 18, 2006
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Just tell her "Since you don't have anyone to go with, you come tag along with me - but you must bring wine for the both of us"


New Member
Dec 29, 2006
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Okay, in Asian culture, wine isn't really our thing, and I think it would be pretty awkward watching fireworks while drinking wine.

I was thinking of going into work today, as she has an earlier shift than I do, and simply go "Why don't you show me how New Years is over here". I haven't spent New Years overseas before (currently an overseas student) and if she doesn't want to, I'll just say "Oh well, I'll go off to a party then". What do you think?