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  1. K

    How to get over a relationship?

    I agree with Shocker. A "girlfriend" is a proper term for a girl who is on the path of marriage. Usually this doesn't or shouldn't happen until at least a year or two of getting to know each other and all that good stuff. Right now its time to have fun and meet as many people as possible. So...
  2. K

    Making the compliment a powerful weapon again

    what about after the compliment? ive read in some places that you should totally switch gears and tease the hell out of her. cuz after a compliment, its hard to respond to that besides a thank you, it just gets kind of awkward, if you know what i mean. so how should compliments be followed?
  3. K

    THE key is masculinity!

    everything u say makes a lot of sense, but i have read else where that smiling makes u more friendly and approachable. it makes u exude a positve and ****y presense. is it wrong to smile? and in what context should the masculinity show emotion?