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  1. K

    Getting rid of the weird in me

    What kind of weird are you talking about?
  2. K

    Guy will let me take initiative, won't take action

    As long as I do it with the intention to turn him on, it will work, I think. We may both have fun...
  3. K

    is joinning indian dance class good thing?

    I think belly dance seems far more appropriate for ya:D
  4. K

    Guy will let me take initiative, won't take action

    Frankly, beating up people is not my piece of cake. But what if this guy just wants to please me? It sure seems great to have someone ready to do anything you like. I think I will take your suggestion and next time he offers, ask him to lick my foot and see what he does. I promise I'll tell you...
  5. K

    Can women sense you are on the hunt?

    Evidently, we sense man are in the hunt just like men can tell a woman is desperate for a husband. Or can't you?;)
  6. K

    Guy will let me take initiative, won't take action

    For those who really want to help, here are some facts: 1) We work together alone in a room about once a month and although I am not his direct supervisor, I have to approve what he does 2) We both are married (he with a bunch of kids) 3) I am attractive and he gives me all the signs that he...
  7. K

    Guy will let me take initiative, won't take action

    This guy I like (I'm a gal) is telling me all the time that he will do whatever I want him to do and when I ask him out he comes but expects me to take initiative constantly. Why is he doing this?