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  1. D

    Going out skating after I've been LJBF'ed

    Well if you want to keep attractive women as friends for social proof, you could put yourself in their friendszone by acting AFC, like asking to do stuff for her, paying for some of her cheap drinks, etc. But I'm not sure if your social proof girl would go around ranting about your AFC'ness if...
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    Going out skating after I've been LJBF'ed

    Ok..just to clarify, I DO NOT buy her stuff anymore. I truly appreciate the advice but you guys think I suck up to this girl, which I don't (I used to, I admit). In fact she once offered to treat me to the movies while I was just leaving my AFC stages but I said no (bad move, yea I know)...
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    Going out skating after I've been LJBF'ed this girl LJBF'ed me about a year and a half ago and since then I've been working away from my AFC status. I've read in this forum that skating is a pretty good date. Coincidentally this girl puts on her msn name that she just went skating. I ask her to go to another skating rink...
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    "You're so hard to please..."

    What do you mean? A girl that once LJBF'ed me about a year ago, just said that to me while I was at her house alone a few days ago. I was a much bigger AFC back then and she never said that line to me. I take it that it is a sign of improvement? Then I met a new girl at a friend's party...
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    "You're so hard to please..."

    So ever since I took some advice from this forum about 2 months ago, girls have been saying this line to me: "You're so hard to please..." I'm guessing that means I've managed to establish that I'm the prize to be won over so it's a good thing? What would you say if a girl said that...
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    Indirect Kisses

    I've been reading this forum for the past 2 months or so and I didn't come across any information on indirect kisses. What I mean by an indirect kiss is when you and a girl are sitting near each other with only one drink and you two drink off the same straw/cup. Does doing this indicate any...
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    New to PU starting with EC, are these good signals?

    Thanks The little AFC in me was just trying to tell me that they were giggling at me because I looked like an idiot for giving EC. I'm definitely not beating myself over this loss but was just curious if their reactions were good or not.
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    New to PU starting with EC, are these good signals?

    Hey guys, I was at Tim Horton's the other day at my university. There was a small line-up there. I placed my receipt on the counter for the person to make my sandwich but the server was busy with someone else at the moment. So I casually leaned back on the counter and faced away from the...
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    Would this be coming on too strong?

    yea, thanks guys this site seems to really suggest a coffee date as the first date, how true is that?
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    Would this be coming on too strong?

    I was thinking that if she said no to all three questions then giving it a shot might be a change for her.
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    Would this be coming on too strong?

    haha don't know what I was thinking thanks guys
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    Would this be coming on too strong?

    I'm 20 and she's probably 21. If she answers yes to my questions I'd have some conversation material to talk about. If she says no then I'll follow up with "Want to give it a shot?"
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    Would this be coming on too strong?

    So I met this girl at work who went to the same public school as me (about 10 years ago) and I want to set up a date with her. If I said the following to her, would I be coming on too strong or showing my interest too much and too early? I've only seen her about 3-4 shifts but we both remember...
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    Being Bitter.

    Guys are bitter because some of us have been brainwashed by too many fairy tales. Some want to date only virgins and are disappointed to find that there are hardly any in this world after a certain age.
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    Need Advice on Kino'ing this Girl

    Do you have this kino problem with only this one girl? But yea I think movies are easy kino places. The commercials in the beginning are a good time. If you think she'll push you away for touching her, then you need to make her feel more comfortable first.
  16. D

    Approaching a girl when you're already with one?

    d9930380: I know what you mean. I don't want to totallyobliterate my nice guy side, though I understand that it's still a bit too strong. I do have trouble figuring out the line between being a ****y and funny or just being ****y. That is the main reason why I am asking this, because I...
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    How to stop from RE- Friendzoned ?!

    I don't think she's calling you because she doesn't think you're a friend anymore but I'd say call her off a few times and increase the kino, that might help.
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    Approaching a girl when you're already with one?

    Thanks for the advice She gave me the LJBF excuse before when I was a nice guy. She's pretty hot and I wouldn't mind getting intimate with her. I feel mixed feelings for her. It would be nice if we were a couple, but it wouldn't bother me a lot if we don't have an exclusive...
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    Approaching a girl when you're already with one?

    Also, I'm going to pay her a visit at her shop in about 6 days (the next weekend), assuming that she's working the same shift. I'm deciding between telling her that I will visit her, or should I just stop by her store as a surprise? If I tell her, then maybe I could see how dressed up she is...
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    Approaching a girl when you're already with one?

    Ok I went into the mall but alone instead, since I had to wait there for about 2 hours with nothing to do alone. I made small talk with every girl in every clothing store just to get a feel of approaching though and only asked for numbers twice. Most of the girls seemed to be taken already...