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  1. D

    Never assume that she's interested...

    My personal opinion: Why assume anything? You can't control the thoughts and actions and future outside of your inputs into the system. So: know yourself, and if "yourself" makes you embarrassed, go fix whatever the problem is and come back to the DJ game later. You'll find so much more...
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    So my ex just hit me up...

    Response was: "I don't have anything to tell you, sir" looool. F*cking WOMEN sometimes. Damn
  3. D

    anybody smoke weed?

    So much truth in this thread. I smoke nearly every day. But it hasn't always been that way... At the beginning of college (Junior now), I smoked every day, nearly all day. Then I had my first panic attack. I was like totally nuts for 2 hours, thinking the world was going to get me. I spent...
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    So my ex just hit me up...

    @Pimpy Pimp: I would have to disagree with you on this one. I dumped her out of nowhere after we'd been dating for years. It was "devastating" (her words). I didn't talk to her for a year after that. Then we met up once (on my initiative) and things happened. Then another year goes by and she's...
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    So my ex just hit me up...

    I guess I should've made it clear that I dated her for 2 YEARS. My brain is toast lately from working 24/7, sorry for leaving out these huge pertinent pieces of info. @Jay Dee: I like all you said except that she knows for a fact that I have her number memorized. It's an incredibly simple one...
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    So my ex just hit me up...

    I failed to mention that she apparently broke up with that guy in the last couple weeks. I was actually the one who broke it off by the way, and it was pretty rough on her side. So she's not the "one who got away" (except, I suppose, in the sense of us never gettin' busy). So, that adds some...
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    So my ex just hit me up...

    Well... I will at least consider not doing it, but first I gotta know what makes you say it's not worth the effort.
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    So my ex just hit me up...

    Hadn't talked to her in a year and just get a text saying she "randomly thought of me me today and hoped I was doing well" and then called me my old nickname. So a little background though... she has a bf now, and last time I saw her she had been dating him for a year but we still ended up...
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    What Comes Next?

    That's pretty much what I was saying... there's somethin I'm doing tonight, but wasn't sure if that's too early to see. And call, no text?
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    What Comes Next?

    Hey Guys... newbie here needing some advice. Met this girl at a hookah bar a few days ago with her friends. Me and my friends chatted with them for probably an hour, then we all went out to eat. I am in the middle of some serious stuff with another girl (3 year relationship ended) and wasn't...
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    Determined, yet threatened.

    So is feeling intimidated just something I need to forget about. This other guy was older than me, but I know if I do stuff right, that's all he'll ever have on me. Good attitude right? He's a complete douche by the way, basically an emotional biotch. So I don't know how the hell he got such a...
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    Determined, yet threatened.

    The "Last Serious Relationship" Ex-BF Problem I dated this girl, we'll call her Sarah, she was with a guy who we'll call Jason before she was with me. Sarah and I dated for about 3 months then she broke up with me. She said "I don't deserve you" which I still don't understand. She also...
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    The Side Effects

    Just a comment, I think The Shy Girl, even if she did break up with him would be quite obnoxious after not too terribly long. I'd have to agree... the Cute Girl sounds like the type of girls I go for, the one's who know they want a real, serious relationship. Unfortunately (and this is off the...