Search results

  1. N

    attention sluts?

    Dude, I'm sorry to say this, but you got to get the HELL away from her. Never, I mean never try to solve a girl's problems. Why? Because you can't, she doesn't want them solved, she likes having her problems, she wants drama in her life. So the best thing for you to do is to move on. When...
  2. N

    Looks vs personality

    I'm with you. Personality is more important than looks. Looks may get you noticed, but it's your game that gets the girl.
  3. N

    Long hair or short?

    I've always wore my hair long, although I've been told by everyone I know that I look better with my hair cut short. But for me short hair has always struck me as being a bit conformist. But that's just my personal opinion.