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  1. M

    Why the f*ck are you here?

    delete ,lol im tryin not save yall some time ;)
  2. M

    OMG!!!I freaked out when I saw a hb 10!

    Another person to assume,of what I say sigh well yes her looks have had me nervous your righit I shouldnt let this girl be stuck up but,Im pretty sure girls hb10 and higher are stuck up because other men or most will do what I do and be saying she is beatiful it will get to her head.You ask what...
  3. M

    OMG!!!I freaked out when I saw a hb 10!

    WOW!You have to be kidding you keep ASSUMING and this is about that one girl,and did you read my other posts??It cleary says I approach other girls with no problem expect for her she had me nervous,and please man stop assuming read my post&thread carefully.But yeah im gonna take your guys advice...
  4. M

    OMG!!!I freaked out when I saw a hb 10!

    Hmm funny how your assuming im looking for magic words,im not looking for magic words,but watever im not gonna argue anymore your right though I will approach her if I do see her again this has me thinking to do better next time. P.S.these arent exucses,its just what happened these are...
  5. M

    OMG!!!I freaked out when I saw a hb 10!

    wtf???are you talking about?? Im not even gonna waste on responding to your comment any further.
  6. M

    OMG!!!I freaked out when I saw a hb 10!

    *shaking my head*wow this has gotten out of control first of all I do approach girls,get numbers easy its this one girl and you guys havent posted on how to not feel nervous or how to be relax post some tips only couple people posted useful advice.But your right how to react to those nerves is...
  7. M

    OMG!!!I freaked out when I saw a hb 10!

    Actually nobody gave me advice expect for couple people,the rest have just been saying Im pvzzy or I need to grab my balls,all im looking for are just some tips&more advice simple as that,it doesnt have to be an argument. Yeah I really would want a hot girl to walk me through when approaching...
  8. M

    OMG!!!I freaked out when I saw a hb 10!

    Thats exactly WHY I made this thread so I can get advice&tips so this wont happen again ;)
  9. M

    OMG!!!I freaked out when I saw a hb 10!

    Yes I did underestimate things your right she could have been mine thats WHY I made this thread to get some advice&tips,so it wont happen again and I will not be nervous and will learn to relax :)
  10. M

    OMG!!!I freaked out when I saw a hb 10!

    Well hmm yes as a GUY we judge women by LOOKS so it would be hard to have a conversation when you gonna judge her by her appearance.And actually dinosaurs had more sex then humans and mankind they extinct for many reasons like food,ice age,and the rumor of a explotion that hit earth.Dinasours...
  11. M

    OMG!!!I freaked out when I saw a hb 10!

    Are you retarted?Read my post I just said I dont know her personality because I didnot approached her and your right humans arent dogs but dogs and humans are living things,and YOU didnt get my moral of the story it was an example of how things like females can stand out of a group.And no...
  12. M

    OMG!!!I freaked out when I saw a hb 10!

    Your right I did say she was perfect,but I ment perfect as in looks but as for personality I dont know that unless I approached her ;)How can everygirl be one in a million??Most girls arent the same true,but most girls looks are similar so when one stands out its gonna be awkard.Let me give you...
  13. M

    OMG!!!I freaked out when I saw a hb 10!

    Im a troll how??Just because I thought she was beyond a hb10??That makes me fake *shaking my head*And ooh yeah I have read the DJ bible go to search up one in a million book its about a girl that science and nature say most men will expeirence the feeling.
  14. M

    OMG!!!I freaked out when I saw a hb 10!

    Yes nature dictate fear and my body had a nervous feeling so I cant control that,no it wasnt a mental image its some I expeirenced,its like if you are wacthing some famous person on TV and you one day meet them,you will be shocked in either fear or nervousness.So thats what happened to me one...
  15. M

    OMG!!!I freaked out when I saw a hb 10!

    How am I being a pvssy????Well how would you feel if you felt nervous around some hot girl??And no I wasnt scared I freaked out its like being in shock when something happens.And I approach girls all the time without fear but that girl blew me away,she is what we call one in a million.
  16. M

    OMG!!!I freaked out when I saw a hb 10!

    Scarred umm dude read my post carefully,she made me nervous NOT scared yes she was too beatiful bot not to approach its she got me nervous and it became nervwracking not because I was scared nope I couldnt because I would have passout.Well think what you want she isnt on a pedastool you will...
  17. M

    OMG!!!I freaked out when I saw a hb 10!

    I didnt say she is better then,your assuming I dont even think she is better then me.Its just I think she is soo beatiful that it made me nervous and I was literay sweatying,dude once you get in this situation one day you will understand how I feel.
  18. M

    OMG!!!I freaked out when I saw a hb 10!

    But you dont understand there will be "ONE" girl that will blow your mind wether your c0cky&funny or confident it will be that one girl that will blow your mind.Its human nature trust me guys you will expeirence this feelings,OMG SHE WAS BEATIFUL!Your post makes sense but when talking to a girl...
  19. M

    OMG!!!I freaked out when I saw a hb 10!

    I know I sound crazy but if you saw her or a girl that is soo beatiful you will think about them I mean I first looked at her eyes she was the most beatiful thing EVEr.Im probaly gonna fascinate about her,doesnt the bible talk about HBS that are 10?