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  1. J

    This was so darn dangerous,read this!?

    Well, what the **** are you going to do. You have a bat so what? You going to smash his lights in as your face is ingraved on the hood of his car? Call the authorities next time. Jot down the plate or something.
  2. J

    how many of you have gotten back with an ex? how did you do it?

    If you talk to your ex everyday something is wrong here. She is just ****ing with you. She gets the satisfaction that you can't get over her. Obviously you arent if you are writing this thread. She is just leading you on. Trust me, been through this **** before. MOVE ON. The only true method...
  3. J

    **** up my chances with a HB.

    I don't really care too much. Last night it did some real damage to my ego, but I woke up this morning not really caring too much. Sure it sucks, but atleast I learned from my mistake. Everything was going perfect. I asked for her number, she told me she just moved and would let know as soon...
  4. J

    a good cf to get girls number?

    i went with it anyway this is what i said. exactly: i almost feel bad that you cant afford one. do you have anything i can ring you at? like maybe a public phone booth you claimed? <3 i thought the last line added a bit more humour. i did notice it seemed kind of snobbish, so i...
  5. J

    a good cf to get girls number?

    so i was talking with this chick on myspace (already wrote a thread about). it went perfectly. up until i had to get offline, and i asked her for her cell. she didn't have one. after that comment. i stopped talking to her. it's been like 3 days now, (so i dont seem needy) and i feel that it's...
  6. J

    Number close.. did I lose my chance?

    How long should I wait before asking her for her HOME phone #? I don't want to see too needy.
  7. J

    the one thing you wear that helps the most..

    Nothing special. I just try to dress nicely all the time. You never know when you're going to run into some HB9 or something.
  8. J

    Does this make me gay?

    I notice the only people who flip out over such stupid things like this are usually the ones that have something to hide. I mean, obviously you aren't comfortable with your sexuality if you're in here questioning it now are you?
  9. J

    For myspace users:

    it doesnt work for me
  10. J

    Does this make me gay?

    Oh god, get the **** over it. PS, of course you're gay.
  11. J

    Number close.. did I lose my chance?

    So I was macking on this girl yesterday. She is about a 9.5 really gorgeous brunette and single. We were talking on myspace, and she seemed pretty interested. She asked me how I was out of the blue. (I have only talked to this girl once. I told her I was fine, just working a lot, then...
  12. J

    Strategy to win my gf back.

    Well, that wont happen until school starts up. I am hoping once school starts around I will be a pretty decent DJ. And the girl I am working on now.. she is like a HB9. My ex is just like a 7 or something =\ i mean she wasn't ugly, she was cute. but this other girl is really hott so that is...
  13. J

    Strategy to win my gf back.

    Thanks for the support guys. I just have a question.. just one of those make me feel better kind of ones.. ahaha. Cause I ****ed up **** with my last two girlfriends. I know I could of easily had sex with both, but I messed it up. I'm not a virgin.. but I haven't had sex in awhile.. so girls...
  14. J

    Strategy to win my gf back.

    So you say it's good that I acted like it didn't bother me? But.. you just don't think it will win her back so I should just go find a new chick? Yeah, you don't need to give me a speach about that. I am already talking to another girl.. But what's wrong with trying to get with 2? Oh...
  15. J

    Strategy to win my gf back.

    Do you think it will work? My girlfriend broke up with me over the phone on fathers day because of my insecurity. (Jealousy towards another guy she liked..) Although she never told me this directly, I pretty much figured it out myself. My mistake yes, I know. I have learned my lesson and I am...
  16. J

    How do I keep her interested?

    Did you misread the part about she is horny as hell? I just tried calling her now.. no one picked up. Guess I'll call later.. I really need to clear up this mess.
  17. J

    How do I keep her interested?

    Is it not too late? I mean, I haven't ****ed it up too bad have I? I was thinking about doing that though.. I wanted to invite her over to my house. I am just waiting for her to call.. because I don't want to seem clingy.
  18. J

    How do I keep her interested?

    I think my girlfriend is losing interest in me. Right before school got out things were good. We hung out all the time, we were both really happy all that good stuff. But I told her I wasn't looking for anything because I didn't think we would get to spend much time together over the summer...