How do I keep her interested?


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score
I think my girlfriend is losing interest in me.

Right before school got out things were good. We hung out all the time, we were both really happy all that good stuff. But I told her I wasn't looking for anything because I didn't think we would get to spend much time together over the summer.

Well, after a little bit.. I started to like her more. After I had told her I didn't want anything I had stopped kissing her.. but one day I took her by suprised and I kissed her. I think it was on the last day of school. Anyway, a days later into summer she calls me up. Wonder "what this is" if we were together or not. I didn't like the fact she was forcing me to do it right then and there. And it got to the point where I was pissed enough to just about say no. But I didn't and ended up asking her out.

So we have been going out for about.. 2 weeks or so. Everything was good until a phone call on thursday I believe.

The conversation was about sexual experiences.. like how far we have gotten etc. She wasn't a virgin, only had sex with one guy. I told her I wasn't a virgin either, but that was from my ex ex gf. She asked me what all me and my ex did and I told her everything you could do up until sex I guess.. she asked me if I fingered her or ate her out and I was like no. I was like "We did everything you could do up until that kind stuff.. hardcore making out, dry humping, boob touching etc.." (Mind you this girl is really sexual, she has only had sex once, but she has already told me straight up she wanted to have sex with me.) Anyway, she wanted to know more.. and I told her I haven't really done much more except for lick chocolate off a girls boob.. and she wanted to know when that I happened. And I told her it was at a friends party. She knew what party it was and was like "Wait, wasn't that during the time we were talking?" all I could say was "Well, it's not liking we were going out.." then she was like "Yeah... and it's not like we weren't making out." So I fealt kind of bad, and she got all pissy and ****..

Anyway, we hang up, and she calls back like 10 minutes later and apologizes.. then admits that a day before we went out she made out with a guy. I was just like WHAT A ****ING HYPOCRITE. But she tells me that my boob licking is much worse than making out.. but I was like umm okay whatever. So I find out that is why she is rushing me with this whole "Are we going out or not deal?"

Anyway, after that convo she has been dropping hints that she wants me to touch her boobs. Because I accidently grabbed one and I was kinda shy about it.. but on the phone she told me I should of went with it etc..

So I'm like okay.. the next time I see her I will utilize this and use it to my advantage. I go there 15 mins before she is about to get off work, and she is like kind of ignoring me. I mean she is talking to me, but she wants me to like sit down and she didn't seem very interested.

Then after she got off. She like rushed out the door, and was just like "Well, are you coming?" I just like okay.. wtf.

We get into her car and there is a little small talk.. I am waiting for the right time to kiss her.. she already seems bored.. and while I am waiting for the right moment she says 'Well, I have to go..' I hadn't even seen her that very long.. I was like okay whatever. I didn't want to do the whole boob touching thing because it was obvious she was in a hurry.. so we made out for like a minute, and we were off on our seperate ways..

She seems to be losing interest.

Oh, I forgot to mention something too. After I found out she made out with that guy I asked her 3 times if she liked him.. the first two times she was silent.. and I KNOW she heard me.. then finally on the third time she said "No.".. so yeah. I think she is losing interest in me and going for this guy.

I know it sounds really ****ed up.. but I'm going to be pissed if I can't hit this, all because of that ****er.

But yeah.. what can I do to keep her into me?

Oh, and another thing. I haven't called her sense that night.. which was friday.. and its sunday now.. so... yeah.

A friend of mine who is a girl and gives good advice told me I should treat her like ****.. then suprise her with flowers one day out of the blue..

I think it might work.. but yeah

what should I do guys?

thanks. sorry this thing is huge


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
You're acting like a kid.

You made a few mistakes for example extensively talking about past experiences and falling for her 'I made out with a guy' line. If you want to keep up the relationship, then set up an action date and show her how much of a great guy you are WITHOUT the insecurity your above post is riddled with. If you're looking for the reasons of her lack of interest it's that.

Take a step back and get yout sh1t together. Calm and collected, not emotional and insecure.


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score
Is it not too late? I mean, I haven't ****ed it up too bad have I?

I was thinking about doing that though..

I wanted to invite her over to my house. I am just waiting for her to call.. because I don't want to seem clingy.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Your house is an action date? Interesting ;)

But anyways just call her.


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score
Did you misread the part about she is horny as hell?

I just tried calling her now.. no one picked up. Guess I'll call later.. I really need to clear up this mess.