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  1. D

    How do I get my target away from the group?

    With all due respect, if it were as simple as "just do it" we'd all be Master Don Juans. What do you think we AFC's have been trying to do? I don't want to sound ungrateful for the advice because I do appreciate people taking the time to try to help me. I think I need something more here, though.
  2. D

    How do I get my target away from the group?

    I'll keep this short & simple: The homecoming dance at my school is approaching. I have a girl in mind that I want to ask, but like most girls, she's always hanging around other people. I don't feel comfortable asking her in the presence of a bunch of other folks. It would put her on the spot...
  3. D

    Are you sure there's not a "Week 1.5"?

    This is getting really frustrating. I've been trying to accomplish the goals of Don Juan Boot Camp, Week 2 forever now. It seems almost impossible to me. There seems to be an extremely steep jump in difficulty between Weeks 1 and 2. When I first tried Week 1, I got it done in, well, a...
  4. D

    Setting up dates over AOL Instant Messanger--Good or Bad?

    Mkay, lemme set some background. The girl in question is a good friend of mine from school. We've known each other for about 7 years now. We have a lot of similar interests (for example, we're both on the debate team). Seeing as how I've never had a date (embarrassing to admit, I know) I figure...
  5. D

    BootCamp - Clan of the Phoenix

    You know, Amoka, I thought about the library, but I always worry about being impolite--it's generally considered rude to talk too much in a library, and I just assumed that since I had to talk to sarge, the library wouldn't work too well. How do you overcome this issue?
  6. D

    BootCamp - Clan of the Phoenix

    I wish this report could be as happy and successful as the last one. Well, first of all, my internet has been broken, so I haven't been able to report as often as I intended. It wouldn't matter, however, because unfortunately I'm not making as much progress as I'd hoped. It's embarrassing to...
  7. D

    BootCamp - Clan of the Phoenix

    WEEKLY MISSION REPORT Friday--Went to the mall. Got a total of 24 eye contacts and 15 hellos. I also managed to start a conversation with a shopkeeper (head start for Level 2 lol) Sunday--Mall again. Got 21 eye contacts (total now 45) and 18 hellos (total now 33) Monday--Wandered around...
  8. D

    BootCamp - Clan of the Phoenix

    Tommorow I shall ride down to the local marketplace and do eye contacts and hellos with strangers until i feel comfortable enough to move on to the next stage.
  9. D

    BootCamp - Clan of the Phoenix

    Count me in. I think I might to better in the clan. I've always tried to work alone and it doesn't help much.
  10. D

    I need to get off my lazy, lethargic buttocks.

    I can't believe myself. I've wasted almost the entire day goofing off surfing the Web. I know that if I'm ever going to get over my social anxiety problems I have to get out there and do stuff. It's just that I have these "lazy days" where I feel like sitting around and doing nothing. A...
  11. D

    I'm stuck on Level 2 of bootcamp

    Thanks for the advise. Though I feel I should clear up one thing: I am on summer vacation. School is out, so that doesn't work anymore.
  12. D

    I'm stuck on Level 2 of bootcamp

    Greetings! I am a new guy here. I've never really had much of a social life, so I decided that was something I'd work on this summer. I learned of this place through a PDF my bro sent me called "DJ Boot Camp"--a set of articles and exercises designed to improve my social life. It divided its...