I'm stuck on Level 2 of bootcamp

Dude Bob

Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score

I am a new guy here. I've never really had much of a social life, so I decided that was something I'd work on this summer. I learned of this place through a PDF my bro sent me called "DJ Boot Camp"--a set of articles and exercises designed to improve my social life. It divided its tasks into a series of 8 weeks ("levels", as I like to call them), with different goals scheduled for each one.

Level 1 asked me to make eye contact with strangers and say "hello" to them. These exercises were fairly easy. I went to the local mall one day and succeeded with almost everyone who walked by.

Unfortunately, Level 2 is not being anywhere near as easy. It asks me to initiate short conversations with strangers. I only managed to do this once at another trip to the mall. I went into one of the stores and chatted with one of the employees about her opinions of her job. Other than that one success, anxiety keeps holding me back from doing it.

The main problem, though, is that I can't find any good places to go to practice this. Given enough time, I can overcome these anxieties, but only if I can find places to practice. The mall is too far away to reach by bike (I do not have a drivers licence yet, and my parents don't get home until late), so I don't go there as often as I'd like.

The only notable place within biking distance is the local marketplace, a series of shops centered around a Winn-Dixie grocery store. Problem is, there are never very many people shopping there, and none of the stores really interest me. You see, if the store interests me, I can use it as a subject of conversation with one of the store employees. But if it doesn't (as is the case), I draw up a blank when thinking of things to talk about.

Any advice you could give me on any of these things would be appreciated:

--Being more brave in the face of social anxiety,
--Finding other places to practice my skills, or
--Finding things to talk about with employees of shops, when the shop doesn't interest me.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
you can practice the DJ skills anywhere, the mall, local park, whatever! If you are trying to initate a conversation with a woman, all you have to do is ask her about, well, her. She will talk, you pick up on something she says, turn the convo in that direction. Talking with random guys is harder to do cause you have no idea what to speak to them about(unlike women, most guys will not talk about themselfs forever), unless you know them or have overheard part of their convo with another person. That is about all there is to it


Master Don Juan
May 26, 2006
Reaction score
Belle Vernon, PA
brenbaus said:
you can practice the DJ skills anywhere, the mall, local park, whatever! If you are trying to initate a conversation with a woman, all you have to do is ask her about, well, her. She will talk, you pick up on something she says, turn the convo in that direction. Talking with random guys is harder to do cause you have no idea what to speak to them about(unlike women, most guys will not talk about themselfs forever), unless you know them or have overheard part of their convo with another person. That is about all there is to it
Haha, well whenever I start a conversation with a guy, we usually talk about WOMEN!

I think that's something any guy enjoys discussing.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
Dude Bob said:
The main problem, though, is that I can't find any good places to go to practice this. Given enough time, I can overcome these anxieties, but only if I can find places to practice. The mall is too far away to reach by bike (I do not have a drivers licence yet, and my parents don't get home until late), so I don't go there as often as I'd like.
Hey Dude, there are several places you can start your convo. The school you attend is much ideal than the mall theory. At school, there are your peers and people more likely in your age group than any other place you can possibly think off. The other place you can get yourself engage in great convo is a church. Yup, you heard me right the church. You'll be surprised by how h0ney those church girls are. Go there like an innocent guy with the Holy DJ Bible and fvck them in queue.


Apr 27, 2006
Reaction score
Age has nothing to do with being able to carry a conversation. When I was his age I usually chatted with men who were at least three times my age. Sadly, most Americans segregate themselves according to age. I take pride in being able to chat with an eight year old or an eighty year old. Each has his own way of looking at life. Just remember not to judge. Empathy is a lost art for most.

Quit worrying about the chubsters. Geez, it is as if you boys are thirty year old unmarried women. Oops, wait a second. Thirty year old women are now considered uber-sexy in America.

Most men only want to talk about themselves. It isn't just women. Most younger people think that the world begins and ends with them. Just human nature. 99% of the people on the planet are starving for acceptance.

Dude Bob

Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks for the advise. Though I feel I should clear up one thing: I am on summer vacation. School is out, so that doesn't work anymore.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
Join one of the bootcamp threads that start regularly here.. You'll be in with several guys doing the bootcamp together. As you progress, everyone else is working on the same thing, and hits the same anxieties. You can get tips on how to deal with each week, and it's very supportive to know other guys face the same issues.