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  1. B

    What can you say aboout this girl?

    Okay guys here is the true story. Guys thank:up: all of you for ur reply and Im sorry;) if I made u confused or irritating:yawn: . My intension is not that. Im in bad mood while writing this so there is a lot of grammatical mistake. Here is the stort with good grammer:cheer: : I like a...
  2. B

    What can you say aboout this girl?

    Okay guys here is the true story. Guys thank:up: all of you for ur reply and Im sorry;) if I made u confused or irritating:yawn: . My intension is not that. Im in bad mood while writing this so there is a lot of grammatical mistake. Here is the stort with good grammer:cheer: : I like a...
  3. B

    What can you say aboout this girl?

    A guy proposed a girl and the girl told that guy that she will give the answer later. Later she rejected his proposal but they still had a good time with each other. They talk a lot in phone. The guy again asked the girl " do you love me?" and the girl told him that she didn't know. The girl...
  4. B

    What should we understand if a girl is scared of you?

    There is a girl who is a bit scared of me:box: . She always gives me a good eye contact and smile. I can know from her activity that she is interested on me. I do like her and want to propose her. We do have a nice flirting when we are together. But I realize that she is a bit moody:confused: ...
  5. B

    Does she likes me??????????? Any suggestions

    I am also interested on her.......... Frankly speaking I also started liking her,somewhere as I feel good while passing time with her. I want to know from the all you guys that is this only my thoughts that her action is showing she likes me or I am wrong.
  6. B

    Does she likes me??????????? Any suggestions

    It not been many days :nono: that I knew a gal and she is giving me signals that she is interested on me:cool: . I am not too close to her and I am just her Hello! Hi! friend:down: . But often she acts as if she likes me too much and want me to approach her. The signals are: When ever I see her...
  7. B

    Do I did right?

    I did not think you took the right step. First you should approach her and know her feelings about you. If you like her very much than this is your wrong step. She might be interested on both of you and might accept your friends propose and nothing will be in your hand expect regret and...